Chapter 10

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Astaria was tired, there was no doubt about it. She had been fighting over and over again with very little sleep and what sleep she had was plagued with what was yet to come. She enjoyed the broadcast that they sent out to all the camps. She liked passing on what knowledge she had to the current generation so that way they would understand so much more about the world's code. She almost wished that she could have stayed with the other council members, the only people that she knew in this generation and ones that she would call her friends. She almost felt relieved that she had let go of the secret of her being the High Leader, she knew that they would be mad when they found out but in the end, she wouldn't change it. Being able to spend the time that they had, even if it was very little, together. There was no one that she trusted more than those whom she had known the longest in this generation.

She could have teleported the whole way to where she wished to go, but she enjoyed doing the last part of the journey with her wings. In the void, she didn't have the same luxury to be able to fly, but she really did enjoy the feeling of being free. She had a few stops she needed to go to, starting with the endermen. The first one to come up to her was Dyneris, "⏃⌇⏁⏃⍀⟟⏃, ⊬⍜⎍'⍀⟒ ⊑⟒⍀⟒!" they said.

"⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ⎅⊬⋏⟒⍀⟟⌇, ☊⏃⋏ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏁⏃☍⟒ ⋔⟒ ⏁⍜ ⍜⍀⟟⏁⍜⋏," Astaria asked the young ender child.

Dyneris pulled her hand and dragged her through the other endermen, those who noticed her sent a smile her way and she always smiled back. After making it closer to the centre of the endermen's home they made it to an enderman who was slightly taller than the rest of them. "Astaria, a pleasure to see you again," Oriton said with a slight accent.
"Oriton, it has been a while. But I do have something important to discuss with you," Astaria said.

"Ask away," Oriton said.

Astaria didn't need to worry about the other's understanding, most could only speak enderian, and some knew galactic but Oriton was the only one who learned the language of the players. He was also a hybrid but unlike Dyneris he was raised with his player parent for some time. "Those who came first are back, and I know that we need your help to win," Astaria said.

"You know, even if it should be unknown?" Oriton said, "So you must already know my answer,"

"There's always a chance to be surprised," Astaria said.

"Not as long as I've known you. We'll help, I have no doubt you'll use the world's hidden, well not so hidden anymore, trick to help us get there quickly," Oriton said.

"Of course, and thank you. For everything," Astaria said, a smile on her face.

"It will be an honour to fight beside you Astaria ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/," Oriton said, a similar smile visible on his face.

With that, she said her goodbyes and flew to the second of the places she needed to go.

After more time spent flying in the air, she saw familiar obsidian pillars come into view along with an obsidian fountain in the centre with a dragon on top. "⟊⟒⏃⋏-" Astaria started.

"Let's converse in the tongue of the people you are asking me to help save, shall we?" Jean said, a deep husk in her voice.

Astaria was surprised to hear Jean speaking in the language of the players, "So you know," she said.

"I know as much as you do," Jean said.

"I would say more," Astaria said, her blank eyes facing towards the dragon in front of her.
"Yes, I suppose that is the truth, but I will always know more than everyone. Every player, every admin, every watcher, every creature in existence," Jean said, a sombre expression on her face, "I will fight for the people of this world, the firsts have not used the gift that the world granted them as they were meant to,"
"Thank you. Are you wishing to be teleported," Astaria asked.

"It'll be fine, I will start a flight nearby to be ready for the battle. It will be an honour to fight by your side, the one born with both of the world's gifts," Jean said, "And here,"
In front of Astaria was a bottle of a metallic silver liquid, she faced her and said, "Thank you, Jean,"

They shared a nod with each other and Astaria flew off to her final destination.

She arrived at her home, her possessions were covered in a thin layer of dust showing just how long it had been since he had gotten back. She wasn't there to grab anything, but instead to leave something. Before she did she had a look around, there wasn't much there, books were both in galactic and enderian, she never got anything that was written in the language of the players, after all, it was the last of the languages she knew that she learnt, and the collection she had was written during her time in the void before she knew the language and how it came to be. She reached into her pocket, pulled out what she needed to leave and placed it on the table while also using her magic to move a few other things to the table before she exited the home and got prepared to fly back.

She knew that she had done what needed to be done to be ready for what was going to happen, she could feel that the first was going to make their attack soon, and it would take many residents of the Main World, the first after all had their powers come directly from the world. She had an idea of what was going to occur but she still didn't know how much loss there was going to be, she knew for sure that people would die, that was life after all. The battle was inevitable, what many didn't know was that it was written in the world's code for what was going to happen, the code for the firsts had always remained long after they had been dead. She knew what needed to be done, the code always knew the truth. 

WC~ 1062 

A/N: Hope your 2024 has been okay so far! Halfway through the final book - there is going to be 20 chapters which includes the epilogue. Next chapter is the one that inspired the prequel 'Before' so if you haven't read it, it will give you a better view on next week's chapter!

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