Chapter 14

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As Xelqua disappeared the other council members freaked out, the admins pulling up their screens ready, "Wait. Xelqua is fighting a battle that must be fought," Astaria said.
The others were wary, but before they had a chance to discuss any further the sound of an explosion took place outside. The admins quickly typed into their screens the coordinates for outside, getting out fast to see the damage, and the watchers spread their wings and flew outside. In the air, they saw six figures flying and on the ground, another six figures were standing. Again a cold chill spread around them, they could also see mobs coming over the horizon, it wouldn't be long until reinforcements from the camps arrived. What made Lysabel most frightened was how the auras of the enemies in front of them weren't moving towards them, their auras were large enough so they were still felt so far back.

The watchers were sent first into the sky in a blinding red light before down on the streets below the admins appeared. They were all ready with their admin screens out, their fingers ready to type after checking for the threat and their swords in their other hand. They could all see the upcoming mobs ahead of them, they were more prepared this time as all of them had been practising since they were moved to the camps. They had also been practising fighting each other with multiple enemies to get used to the feeling of being overwhelmed. There were some other tips that Astaria gave them that they would also be using. Using some commands they were able to see if the mobs ahead of them were a part of any of the groups within the world code, which they then used to their advantage. The admins also had endermen fighting on the ground, when they first saw them they assumed they were also a part of the mobs that were attacking, mobs that were artificially created. They were surprised when the endermen brought out swords, most of them didn't even realise that they could hold swords, and started attacking the mobs. They were glad for the help as everyone that killed a mob was making it easier for everyone else and therefore making it easier for the council members.

Some of the admins were using commands to give the oncoming mobs effects, as it was an easier command to do. They gave them effects such as poison to reduce their health before they went in for another attack; some used the withering effect to let them die on their own or to just reduce their hearts to allow for another attack to finish them off; some couldn't use effects that were damaging simply did weakness or slowness affects to allow more time for someone to give them another effect or have others finish them off with their own swords and those who could use instant damage effects to either reduce their hearts until there were none left or enough so it would take one attack to get rid of them. Being able to use a mass effect was easier than having to affect each mob one at a time so even though these mobs were stronger than the ones before they weren't feeling overwhelmed, which was good as the council members were distracted by their own opponents in front of them.

Some admins could use the mass command ability to teleport some of the mobs up in the sky, but they tended to avoid that as they didn't want to make more work for the watchers who were flying in the sky. Some of them teleported the oncoming mobs under the void for a quick but not quite painless death, but it was fast enough to get rid of them. Those who couldn't access higher levels of commands were on the ground brandishing shields and their swords ploughing through those who were low on hearts, or just getting rid of them if they hadn't been attacked yet. Most of them were easy enough to get rid of as there weren't hoards coming at once but instead a few stranglers that managed to make their way. There were some enemies who according to the world code weren't a part of any groups, those were the ones who were focused by those who didn't have the same power of command as the others.

The admins also had the job of teleporting out any injured. A couple of them were further back from the fights, with invisibility potions on, keeping an eye out to teleport anyone who seemed like they were struggling from both admins and watchers. These admins were also in charge of giving their own sides power-ups. Typing commands to give the different legions effects such as strength, swiftness, jump boost and other beneficial effects to allow them to be more capable in the fight. They were giving these effects to the watchers as well to help them fight against the mobs. They had their swords within reach in case any of the oncoming enemies managed to get past the other oncoming admins or if any flying mobs came down and attacked them as well. Some admins had already fallen in battle, but they didn't have time to mourn yet, not when they were still at risk. Everyone came into this fight knowing that they might not make it, but they were fighting for their home anyway.

Xisuma was among the admins on the battlefield, having his own admin screen up, typing commands as fast as he could to help decrease the number of mobs that kept coming and coming. He hadn't been able to see if Grian, or well he supposed Xelqua, was okay, he had been repeating command after command to make it so they would be able to keep fighting. He had managed to get rid of several mobs, and he only had to draw his blade a few times to catch a couple of mobs that weren't labelled as a part of a group in the world's code. In his mind, he was focused on winning this so that his family, the hermits, would be able to once again live in a world that was filled with peace. In his mind, he was hoping to get out of this, and move on to Season 8, he doubted that the server Season 7 was on was still standing after the shattering. He also hoped his brother was okay, they only just reconnected and he wanted to be able to spend time together without it being interrupted by some world-ending event. He had even thought about inviting him to join Season 8 of Hermitcraft. So as he slayed down mob after mob he kept fighting for his family, his family by blood and his family by choice. 

WC~ 1141 

A/N: I think school has already killed me. It annoys me greatly that there are like four subjects that are actually useful for my career path and then I have to filled up the rest of the slots :(

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