38 - sick hcs with my favorite sillies

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Guys I'm sick Asf right now I'm lit dying my head is pounding and I can't see straight 😭
So sorry if my spellings/punctuation is rly bad

Whenever Luke gets sick he is the BUGGEST baby ever. He gets super emotional, cries the whole time, can't sleep without Zander, refuses anything but sprite and soup, that he requests Zander makes but also gets upset when zander gets out of bed. Also when Luke is sick is the ONLY time zander ever goes to his house and other then that they always hang out at Zander's. Constantly cold as well and insists on wearing Zander's clothes even tho the sleeves are always short and the waste bands barely ever fit

Like he will see a video of a baby or like an old married couple and then just ball his eyes out uncontrollably

Zander in the other hand is exactly the opposite. Insists on doing everything for himself because he doesn't want to burden Luke with it. The only time Luke comes over when Zander is sick is if there's no school that day because Zander genuinely wants to nurse himself back to health. He just likes cuddling

However if Zander is super super sick Luke will come over on a school night and rock him to sleep and get him ice packs and stuff but like the only time he wants help is when he's like super nauseous and like can't stand on his own

And this is hard for Luke because Luke really likes helping Zander and worries when he's active while he's sick. Especially if Zander comes to school then he worries even more

Anyways I'm conclusion Luke is me Zander is me I'm them I have two sides when I'm sick. A Zander side and a Luke side. I'm literally like dying rn and I was like dw dad I'll make my own food as if I can't stand and see straight at the same time😭

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