53 - Incorrect quotes

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Luke: I'm going to serve
Milly: oh my god
Milly: queeeennnn
Milly: you always slay though
Milly: even for a man
Luke: uhmmm in the military dumbass


Milly: hey
Elliott: hey:)
Elliott: did you know you stole something from me yesterday
Elliott: you stole my hea-
Milly: sorry I'll return your wallet


12 year old Hailey: you know what, I think it's time we started swearing. When we go downstairs for breakfast, I'll swear first and then you.
12 year old Zander: okay.
Shannon: what do you want for breakfast?
Hailey: I'll have Cocoa Puffs, bitch.
Shannon: go to your room!
Shannon, to Zander: and what do you want?
Zander: dunno but it won't be fucking Cocoa Puffs


Henry: my hands are cold.
Liam: *holds hand*
Henry: ... y'know what for some reason my lips are getting cold too


Hailey: *applying chapstick*
Jake: what flavor is that
Hailey: oh it's berry flavored.
Jake: oh can I try it?
Hailey: *hands over chapstick* sure
Jake: *kisses Hailey*
Jake: that doesn't taste like berry..
Hailey: *has stopped functioning*


Jake: are you.. blushing?
Drew: what, no.
Jake: did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass Drew to blush?
Drew: no... it's... it's the cold.
Jake: huh. It's the cold. And not that I told you "your face is adorable and I bet the rest of you is too"?
Drew: *blushes harder* *voice cracks* n-no.


Milly: do u have a gf?
Elliott: *sigh* no...
Elliott: I've been told that I'm too sweet and caring and nice
Elliott: but I don't know...
Elliott: I honestly just try to be me 😆

Elliott: I honestly just try to be me 😆Elliott:

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Zoey: can we make a promise 🥺
Zoey: baby are you gonna leave me when things get hard?🥺🥺
Drew: I might
Zoey: are you fucking fr?


Zander: *arrives at party*
Zander: so who wants to talk about institutional racism?


Kind of short chapter but I haven't done one of these in a while😭😭

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