45 - cutesy little hcs

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Okayyy a lot of ppl hc luke to be polish and I DO I DO but I always make him German cause I can speak a tiny bit of German and it helps motivate me in German class 😭💀 but polish hc is #1

Luke and Zander are student council members and Zander will like whisper ideas to luke and luke will like present them to everyone😭

Zander has autism and Luke has adhd

Somebody else said this but it needs to be heard if u said it lmk I will credit you🙏🙏 Zander fell first luke fell harder

They 100% have kissing playlists you are not changing my mind. Luke always makes them tho and the only time Zander offered Luke was like I love you but I don't want to make out to nocturne #2 in E flat major

And Luke also doesn't have Spotify premium so they'll just be kissing and then it'll be like "want a break from the adds?" And it always cracks them up

Hugs are there everything like Zander's upset? He hugs luke. Luke has a headache? He hugs Zander. They are both tired and moody? They hug it out. Drama? Hugs. Bored? Hugs. Overwhelmed? Hug. Mostly because Zander doesn't really like kissing in public

They both have issues with overstimulation but when Zander is overstimulated he's like completely shut down and doesn't talk or listen to ppl or rly move he just kinda sits there and Luke is like hyperactive constantly biting his nails or lips and can't sit still and also snaps

Luke also loves using nicknames like he rarely calls Zander 'Zander' he's always Alex, Zan, honey, sweetie, baby, and occasionally babe too. Zander does use them but mostly when they are alone. When they are in public sometimes he calls him Lukey Pookie but that's just a silly little nickname Milly gave him

Zander's entire family loves Luke sm. Luke will help Michael with car stuff or like cleaning out their garage because he's buff. He watches romance movies with Shannon and they gossip and cry. He and Hailey are like best friends and they love talking about life and stuff. He plays with Bethany no matter what game. Tea party, dress up, horses, dolls, and he even does girl voices for the dolls 😭😭

Zander has met Luke's parents like a few times like occasionally they would go to Luke's to play when they were younger and like once or twice in middle school and then most recently right after they got together they had dinner with Luke's whole family and Luke's Mom was askiny TMI ask questions like when are you getting married? Do you plan on having kids? How are your grades? Do you have any illnesses? Tell me in detail what you love about my son? And Zander was like 😓😓

Anyways they are cutie patooties and I love them

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