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okay yesterday I did Zander so now its Luke's turn.

okay so Luke's background has obviously not really been mentioned yet. I know the single mom HC is very popular within the fandom but we don't have any solid proof of it. So it's hard to kind of read Luke's character. But, I'm gonna try anyways bc I love him 🤪

So a lot of ppl say he is a cardboard box or his only character arch is liking Zander and I'm not denying this HOWEVER I think Luke liking Zander is a kind of important in more ways then him just being "Zander's boyfriend". Luke is very much aware of his feelings for Zander and so is the rest of the music club. In his episode we see a side of him that doesn't come out much. He's moody, he isn't talkative, he's sighing, just overall not himself.

To the point where Jake (who's known him as a friend for only a week at most) can tell he's acting different. I think that this shows that Luke tries to hide his feelings a lot, which is why Jake is so surprised when he sees how Luke is acting so weird. I think this plays onto how Luke tries not to feel what he feels because he doesn't want to hurt his friends or others.

Do I think Luke is a well written character? I would say no, but if he wasn't, would he be such a lovable and popular character? No Fs not. But on the only hand. Do I think he's probably the worst written out of the music club... possibly. Depends on the context 😭

Not that he's necessarily a bad character I just think we only saw the side of him that cares about Zander.

That's why I want to see he and Zander get in some sort of argument in season two. Because I feel like that would be a great opportunity for rosy to incorporate his back story.

Maybe Luke is really having trouble with this new found distance between he and Zander after getting in an argument and he doesn't know how to handle it because his parents always argued and never made up.

Or maybe Jake recommends they hang out at Luke's house or he asks about Luke's family and Luke gets set off and we get to see that angry side of him again.

But aside from his background, I think Luke is a lot more protective over Zander then Zander is over Luke.

Much like I said about Zander and Hailey, Luke will do ANYTHING to make sure Zander doesn't get hurt. He cares so deeply and loves Zander more then anything. I feel like maybe Luke wants to give Zander what he never saw his parents give each other.

I also think an incredible story line would maybe be Luke's sexuality getting rejected by his parents. This way his story isn't about Zander but it's about him and his family.

I would also LOVE to see more of Luke's dynamic with Zander and Hailey's parents, Bethany, and the rest of the club. I want to see Luke and Sean be friends. Or Luke and Milly. Like ofc I want lander moments but I also want to see them apart. Another reason why I'd love an episode where they fought. We would also be able to see how they handle each others emotions in very vulnerable states and how they go on without each other in the midst of their argument.

But anyways, luke is also a very caring, calm friend and he definitely takes care of his friends. Like when he pulls Milly off of Zoey during episode three and helps try to calm her down.

I would also like to see how he interacts with the dromies. Do they hate him as much as the hate the rest of the music club even though he's a bit popular? Do they think he's cool? Do they even know who the hell he is?

And one of the main reasons I disagree with the whole cardboard box thing is that just because Luke is nice does not make him boring. He is like the glue that holds tmc tg when they are going through rough times. He's always there to calm them down or make sense of things when they are too emotional. He's just overall a nice person and he doesn't let his friends take shit. He pushes away his own emotions to stabilize his friends.

Anyways, that's my Luke rant😭

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