13 I wanna love you but I better not touch

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Today I was gonna spend my time with Mötley since Guns had rehearsal and then band meeting with their manager. The next concert was gonna be olso in NY but tomorrow so today I had nothing to worry about. I was not in pain anymore so I decided to go to the hotel's restaurant and eat something. I exited the room and walked in silence. The restaurant was pretty empty. I spotted Crüe at a table talking and decided I should join them.

"Hi guys." I walked to the table and took a seat next to Vince. I felt something reach my feet and grabbing my skirt. I jumped in fright. "What the fuck?!" I shouted as a girl took her head out from under the table.

"Not for you?" She asked with a smirk.

"No thanks." I said taking my seat back.

"Hi Haze."Vince said still laughing about the situation.

"Yeah, good morning to you too."I said faking a smile.

"Should I ask her?" Mick whisper in Tommy's ear.

"I don't know man. Ask if you want." Tommy whispered back.

"Ask me what?" I asked him intrigued.

"Why do you have that bandage on your belly?" He asked pointing to me.

"Ummm....a long story." I did not want to remind me of that night.

"Does anyone have to do something today." he asked really wanting to know. "Of course, if you want to tell us."

Some time they will found out anyway. I'm gonna be the one from whom they found out.

"About a week or two ago when I left from Nikki's party, I was drunk, I walked down an alley and my dealer asked me to give him the money for the drugs that I bought. I told him I didn't had the money, he took out a knife and stabbed me. I passed out, Axl found me and took me to his place. That night I was almost dead, he called an ambulance and the paramedics took me. I died for a second in the ambulance but one of the medics gave me an adrenaline shot and I was back to life again. When I arrived at the hospital they put me into an induced coma for three days and when I woke up Axl took me to his place again and I lived with him for the rest of the time till the tour started." I finished taking a deep breath.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry." Mick apologized.

"You told me something similar when we were high in Whiskey's bathroom." Nikki stated.

"Yeah, I know. Look I wold like if you don't act like I'm helpless. Axl is already acting like I'm a child, I don't need your sympathy too." I was beyond the limit of my powers to accept others help. I can take care of myself.

"I think Axl is doing that because he loves you. I don't know what I would do if something like that happened to Sharise." Vince said drinking his coffee.

"Yeah, shit happens. Now I'm okay, so you don't have to worry about me." I said forcing a chuckle.

"How are you okay with that? Did you press charges?" Tommy asked drinking his coffee too.

"No, but the boys beat the shit out of him and stole his drugs."I said letting out a laugh.

"You into drugs?" Vince then asked surprised.

"Yeah, don't make it sound like your an angel."

"You just don't look like a person that does drugs, that's all." He shrugged.

"What does a person that does drugs look then?" I asked giggling.

"Just look at the TERROR TWINS." He pointed to them laughing. "No but serious, you look so.... inocent for drugs." he said the lit a cigarette.

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