10 Years Later

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Me: How are you doing today

Fire princess: Not good. Dad hit me again today. My brother tried to stop him but he just got an even worse beating. 

Me: I'm sorry to hear that. If I was with you right now I would hold you in my arms and run my fingers through your hair until you felt better.

After a year of joining the organization, I found an online chatroom and started talking with a girl that used the user name, Fire Princess. I didn't think too much of it at the time she was just someone I could talk to in my free time.

Katara is either training or locked up in her room. On occasion, she'll come into my room to see what I'm doing. It's probably to see that I'm still alive but I have no idea if it is or isn't.

After I turned eighteen I started going on missions which for some reason made her mad. When we arrived here Sun Ray told us what the rules here were. We are to train hard, keep a low profile, live as normal of a life as we can, make friends, do as your told, don't question your supperiors and after completing the training program you are allowed to go on missions after turning eighteen.

Fire Princess knows nothing about the program I'm in. All I've told her was about my sister and parents. At first, it started out as casual hangouts that eventually turned into friendship but now has turned into something much more on my end.

I don't know if you can love a girl you've never met but I do.

Fire Princess: I'd love that. To hear your heartbeat in my ear while your big strong arms held me in place shielding me from any and all danger

Me: One day I promise I'll rescue you from your father and give you a life of peace and comfort

Fire Princess: What about your sister

Me: My sister will be a part of my life I could never leave her behind but she would have to understand that you will also play an important part in my life

Fire Princess: You don't even know me😂

Me: I don't have to. I know your a good person Fire Princess

Fire Princess: Thank you, Water Warrior

I turned my laptop off and headed to the training yard.


I kept my eyes focused as my opponent came at me. He went for a punch but I managed to dodge. He tried to bring his left leg up for a hit but I managed to put my own leg underneath tripping him up a bit. He tried to use his right leg but I countered with a hard chop forcing it back down.

He then jumped back and I came at him. I moved my leg upwards for a kick then followed up with a punch but he was able to block both. I went for a spinning kick that was caught by him then brought my free leg up kicking him in the head.

He recovered punching me in the gut. I went for a punch he dodged. He went for a punch I dodged. This went on back and forth back and forth for what felt kike forever but I wasn't surprised. Jet and I were the top students in our age group and had been training together for years.

I knew him like the back of my hand and he knew me. He went for a spinning jump kick and I was able to roll out of the way and kick him in his back. He quickly recovered catching my foot and spinning me. I managed to place both hands on the ground and kick both feet at him separating us.

"That's enough". Sun Ray said. We stood and bowed to each other showing our respect. "Good job you two, go get washed up your done for the day". "Yes, ma'am". We said in unison.

We walked off allowing the next pair to go on the mat. Jet walked over to his group of friends but I made my way over to my brother after seeing him standing with the others.

"What did you think"? I asked. "Not bad, you'll probably be going on a mission soon". "I hope, I'm getting tired of just training. Have you found any leads"? He shook his head. "No, whoever that man was he hid his identity well not even Sun Ray can find him".

I sighed. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "We'll get him, don't worry". He smiled reassuringly. I nodded. "Hey Katara, can I talk to you"? Jet asked making his way over to us.

I followed beside him as he walked out to the waterfall pond. The air was fresh and sunlight warm as it covered our faces and danced on the water's surface making it sparkle. I immediately took my shoes off placing my feet in the water and smiled as he sat beside me.

"So what's the reason you had us come out here"? "I wanted to talk to you about something, it's more of a confession really". "What kind of confession"? He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Katara for a long time you and I have sparred together and hung out a couple of times.

Your a good fighter and amazing person. I can't help but feel drawn to you. You have this aura that lures people in and I want to be around that always. I know you've been through a lot". He placed his hand on top of mine.

"I want to be a man you can depend on. A man that will comfort you on the bad days and hold you whenever you need me to. Who will love you unconditionally and never leave you behind".

I looked at him completely shocked. "Jet I-". "You don't have to say anything right now. I just wanted to let you know how I feel".

Word Count: 1012

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