The Mission Starts

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After everything calmed down I escorted the princess to her room. She was quiet the entire time walking with her head down. I didn't blame her, I had no idea how it felt to have someone try to kill you. No one knows our mother Kya and father Hakoda had any children except for the man who came to kill them.

If he wanted us dead he would've been attempted to come after us but it was obvious he didn't deem us a threat which for us is good. It gives us the advantage for a sneak attack and now that I was a royal bodyguard meant I was a step closer to finding my parent's killer.

"We're here". She whispered as we approached a room. Her head was still cast downwards with her slouching a little. "You don't have to be afraid, I'll protect you, princess". She nodded. I opened the door for her and she walked in closing the door behind her. 

I quickly looked to see if anyone was around before taking my phone out and texting her.

Me: We've successfully infiltrated the royal palace. I'll be posing as the princess's bodyguard while Katara poses as one of the royal servants.

Sun Ray: You were supposed to be in the military force

Me: I know but I saw an opportunity present itself and took it. Apparently, the princess has a target on her back

Sun Ray: That is interesting

Me: I'll update you when I have more news

Sun Ray: This is her first mission see to it that your sister doesn't let her temper get in the way

Me: Yes ma'am


"What are we going to do about this father"? It was just the two of us. After the commotion settled down and the citizens went home I followed my father to the throne room. I needed to know what was going on. I needed to know who was after my sister.

"This doesn't concern you Zuko. Azula is safe her bodyguard will make sure of that". "That won't help us find the people who are after her. We need to find them and figure out why they're after her. They could have easily killed you or me".

"No one can easily kill me".  He said sitting on the throne with one of his serious looks. "What if they would have killed me? I'll be king soon". "You'll be a weak one if your enemies can kill you easily".

"Can you at least pretend you give a dam about whether or not your daughter lives or dies"? "Azula has her bodyguard this conversation is over". 

"Zuko". I turned around and saw my grandfather had walked into the room. "Go see Azula, you won't feel better until you've talked with her". "Yes, uncle".

"Your Highness". Sokka spoke as I approached my sister's door. "How is she"? "She hasn't left her room since we arrived". I nodded and made my way inside. All the lights were off as she laid underneath the covers.

I made my way over and carefully sat beside her. "Wanna talk about it"? I spoke softly. "I'm scared zuzu". "I know but what I need you to know is that I won't allow anyone to lay a hand on you. I will protect you until my last breath".

"What's dad doing"? "Basically nothing but that doesn't matter. I'm here for you and so is Sokka. You've seen him fight you know he's strong". "I want mom". "I know, I do too. Will you let me hold you since she can't"?

She nodded. I carefully picked the covers off of her, slid underneath, and took her into my arms. She nuzzled close to me. "I'm here, I'll always be here for you. We'll get through this together". I kissed her head. "What if someone tries to kill you? I can't be left alone with dad".

"I won't let that happen either but you'll never be alone, Uncle Iroh is here for you when I'm not. We both know he's stronger than dad and will never bow down to him". "I know".

After Azula fell asleep I went looking for one of the maids. I know Sokka was with her but I didn't want him to be the only person there. I wanted another woman to be with her in case there was something she could only talk about with another woman. I knew father would never go to her as a source of comfort.

"Prince Zuko". I stopped in my tracks as she called out to me. This was the first time I had ever heard her speak. I had no idea it would be so soft and filled with so much warmth. I turned to her. She was no longer in her red dress instead she wore the red robes all of the female servants wore.

It didn't suit her at all. She needed something more luxurious. Something that would bring out her natural beauty more and show the world just how breathtaking she was.

"Yes, Katara? Is there something you need"? She looked at me shocked. "You remember my name"? I smiled softly. "Of course, I do. It's only natural a prince should know the names of all his people".

"Oh I see. I don't need anything, I saw you walking around the maid quarters and wondered if there was anything I could help you with". "As a matter of fact, there is. Your brother Sokka is watching her but I was wondering if you could check in on her from time to time to make sure she's all right.

There might be things she can only talk to another female about and I won't always be around considering my training". "Of course my prince that won't be a problem". "Thank you Katara, if there's anything you need let me know".

"Zuko". I turned and saw Mei standing a few feet away from us. I gave a small smile to Katara before making my way over to my fiancée and leaving with her.

Word Count: 1015

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