The Mission

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The stars were shining brightly in the sky as I waited for him to come meet me on one of the balconies. He had requested I come at this time and like the obedient servant I was I obeyed.

I didn't move from my spot as I heard the footsteps of his boots come close to me and felt his presence beside me a few seconds later. "What was his answer"? "He's against it and questioned my morals but I'm certain he'll do as he's told, he loves his sister too much to do otherwise".

"I see. What do you want in return"? "Servants".


It was early in the morning as I made my way out to the waterfall pond. I headed straight for the headstones that were located yo the far right of it, kneeled in front of them, and placed the flowers I was holding down.

"Hi mom, hi dad it's me. I hope the two of you are happy up there in Heaven watching over us. I would much rather have you both here with me but I know that's not possible, it's also not the reason for my visit.

The other day Jet asked me to be his girlfriend. I have no idea how I feel about that. If I'm being absolutely honest the thoughts never crossed my mind. The only thing I'm focused on is protecting Sokka and avenging you both.

I wouldn't know the first thing about being his girlfriend and I've never thought of him in that way. Maybe after I'm done killing your killer will I consider it but not until then".

"If you ask me you need to leave him alone completely. The guy's bad news and you don't need to be anywhere near him. It's bad enough he's your sparring partner". Sokka said behind me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be busy chatting with your online girlfriend". "They're my parents to Katara, I have every right to be here". "Then act like it instead of talking to some bitch you don't even know"! I turned around glaring at him.

"You can go on missions, you have every resource available to you to search for the monster that killed them but instead of spending every opportunity you have to find them, you're chatting online with some girl you don't even know is real or not. What about Suki? Did you forget about her already? Are you that selfish and cold-hearted?

"I do look for their killer every chance I get and no I haven't forgotten about her but what you fail to realize is that Mom and Dad wouldn't want revenge to control our lives. I miss them every single day but they would want us to live our lives and be happy. Suki would also want me to be happy and move on". He turned to their headstones.

"I'm sorry we argued in front of you both and I'm also sorry that I can't stay to talk right now but Sun Ray wants to see Katara and I both".

"What for"?

He turned looking at me seriously. "You'll see, now come".

I said nothing as he led me to Sun Ray's office. I had originally thought everyone was asleep still but I was proven wrong. He opened the door for me and I headed inside with him closing the door behind us.

"Have a seat you two". We did as told and sat down in the black chairs that were in front of her desk. "Thank you both for coming so early". "Of course but what's this about? We're not in trouble are we"?

"No nothing like that. As you both are aware trainees aren't allowed to go on missions until they've turned eighteen. Sokka your twenty years old and have been on various missions. I can honestly say your one of my strongest men. Your success rate speaks for itself which is why I want you to accompany Katara on her first mission".

"I'm being assigned a mission"? "Yes, you are. Normally I would assign this type of mission to a more skilled assisaian but considering your background the two of you need to be on this one.

This mission will take you into the heart of the Phoenix Kingdom. Your assignment is to eliminate the king there and any and all members that are associated in his business. Queen Ursa has been missing for ten years now and we have reason to believe he's behind it.
We also have reason to believe he rapped and beat her numerous times.

You Katara are to get close to Prince Zuko who will soon be king and you Sokka are to get close to Princess Azula. Find out all you can and if and only if you have free time are you allowed to look for your parent's killer. Katara this is your first mission but Sokka is still your superior what he says goes understood"?

"Yes, ma'am".  "Good, you leave tonight".

"How do you feel"? Sokka asked once we left Sun Ray's office. "Like we're finally a step closer to finding that bastard". He nodded. "We'll take my car, make sure your ready by ten". I nodded.

"Hey there Katara". Jet said making his way over towards us. "Your up early"? "Early morning training. Is everything ok? You aren't in any kind of trouble are you"? "No, as a matter of fact, I was assigned my first mission".

"Really? That's amazing. Is there anything I can do to help you prepare"? "Thank you but I have everything covered".


After Jet made his way over to us I left without either of them noticing me. I can't control who my sister talks to all I can do is warn her. I know the kind of person Jet is. He uses everyone he can and tries to manipulate them into thinking the exact same way he does.

I always knew he had a crush on Katara but never said anything because he never made a move until now. I wish I could stop her but in the end, Katara will always do what she wants. I also needed to get away from Katara.

She knew exactly how important Suki was to me yet had the audacity to claim I no longer love her. I still love her but I know moving on is what she would want for me.

I put them both out of my head and packed my bag full of everything I would need as well as my suitcase and got on my laptop to destress.

Me: I have some news. Are you free to talk?

Fire Princess: Of course, I always have time for you🙂

Me: My job is sending me away on business again. This time I'm headed to Phoniex.

She knew I traveled for work but not why I needed to travel.

Fire Princess: Really! That's where I live

Me: Small world it seems. I would love to come see you in person but knowing my boss she'll have me busy the entire time

Fire Princess: 😔

Me: Please don't make me feel worse than I already do😕

Fire Princess: I want to see you

Me: And I want to see you as well. Maybe when my work is done I can try to meet up with you but I can't promise anything

Fire Princess: I know, it's just a lot of things are happening and I thought I'd have the chance to talk to you about them in person

Me: You can tell me now

Fire Princess: No, you need to focus on your work. I'll be fine promise.

Word Count: 1283

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