The Test

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Me: I made it here safely Princess

Fire Princess: That's good. How was your first night here?

Me: Good. I don't have any complaints.

It's true last night had been one of the most comfortable nights I've had. My room back home was comfortable to me and was decorated just the way I wanted with pictures of home, my parents, Katara, and posters of my favorite tv shows and movies.

The bed here however was much more comfortable. It felt as if I was sleeping on clouds and surrounded in a warm hug. If it wasn't for my alarm going off I would still be asleep but I had to make sure I got up early to be able to talk to her. I needed to talk to her.

Fire Princess: Have you gone sightseeing yet?

Me: No I arrived pretty late. All I've done so far is take a bath, eat, and wake up early to talk to you

Fire Princess: You flatter me

Me: I only tell the truth. I would go crazy if I wasn't able to talk to yiu

Fire Princess: Again, you don't know me

Me: But I want to. One day we will see each other in person  I promise you that

Fire Princess: I believe you

Me: Good

Fire Princess: I am glad you got on so early, last night was kinda rough for me

Me: Bad dream? Your father?

Fire Princess: One of my friends. She knows how my father is but agreed to an arranged marriage with my brother

Me: I assume your brother doesn't want to marry her

Fire Princess: No. He wants to be able to marry for love

Me: I'm sorry princess, I wish there was something I could do

Fire Princess: You and me both

"Sokka it's time". The captain of the royal army said coming to get me. I nodded, closed my laptop, and left with him.

"Change and be on the arena in ten minutes". "Yes sir". None of the soldiers had introduced themselves to me yet. If I had to guess I would say it's either because I'm an outsider or I'm not a part of the army yet if not both. That doesn't bother me, all I have to do is win my match and gain their trust.

I took off my shirt and changed into a black tank top with a waistband below the hen of it that allowed me to move freely. The end of the tank top went around my pants like a circular cape. I wore long arm sleeves that wrapped around my wrists and stopped below my upper arm. On my left upper arm was another band that went well with the arm sleeves and boots I had put on.

Once finished I made my way out to the arena. The stands were filled with Phoenix citizens. To the upper left was a large balcony. On it sat the royal family. King Ozai sat in the middle with Prince Zuko on his right. His fiancee sat next to him while Princess Azula sat on the left side of her father. Next to the princess was her grandfather and standing next to all of them a few feet away was my sister.

She was wearing a red dress with her hair down. I wasn't used to seeing her dressed like that but couldn't deny she looked beautiful. The only person who looked even more beautiful was the princess. Her long black hair shined beautifully as it decorated her shoulders and back.

She was also wearing a red dress but I couldn't see how long it was, all I could tell was that it was an off-the-shoulder dress. She was absolutely breathtaking,  all I wanted to do was take her in my arms and hold her close. Her eyes held an intense look of sadness.

A person with an untrained eye wouldn't be able to notice but I could. She hid it well from her father but I could tell it was taking everything she had not to cry. I wanted to know what was making her sad. I wanted to get rid of the cause of it and fill her eyes with nothing but happiness and to see her smile.

If only she was my fire princess

The crowd was all in murmurs while giving me strange looks. It was obvious that I was an outsider. I know they were wondering who I was and what I was doing here. None of that bothered me however I had a mission to do and I was determined on completing it.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen". The ring announcer said stepping into the area. He stood on the outside of it where he was guaranteed not to get hit. "We are gathered here today to witness an entrance match that was made by the king himself. If Sokka Mizuno is successful in his match he will be granted permission to join our esteemed military forces, if he losses he and his sister will be kicked out of the kingdom and end up back on the streets. Without further ado let the match commence.

The bell rang and out walked a man who was around the same height as me 6, 2. His long black hair was tied into a ponytail and he wore a fighting attire that did a great job of showing how built he was as well as how big his muscles were. I wasn't worried about that in the slightest. I had figured they would try to pull something like this.

He charged at me and I did the same. When he went for a punch I slid underneath his leg then jumped in the air kicking him in the back of his head. He was able to stop himself from falling and turned around attempting to punch me a second time. I caught his fist in my hand then caught his free hand when he went for another punch.

I smirked at the shocked expression on his face before head-butting and punching him in the gut. Audible gasps of shock were heard from the crowd. None of them could believe an outsider was making light work out of one of their strongest but I was. Even more so I was enjoying it.

He came at me again and I countered jumping in the air and giving him a sideways kick to the head. When I landed on my feet I swept my leg underneath his tripping him up. Before he fell to the ground I grabbed one of his arms and twisted it backwards causing him to jet out an agonizing scream before kicking him in the back and holding him down with my knee while I kept the hold on his arm.

"Match over Sokka wins". I let him go and immediately turned to where King Ozai was sitting and bowed. All of a sudden the air in the room became different. Everyone was in a quiet shock making it easier for me to hear the swishing sound in the air. I focused my ears more listening for where it was coming from.

When I had the direction of its movements along with its destination I ran towards the stands and jumped up the bleachers until I was standing in front of the princess and caught the dart that was flying towards her with my hand.

"Your majesty". I kneeled to the king while keeping my body in front of the princess. "I don't know who but it appears someone is targeting your family. The tip of this dart is laced with poison and was aimed for the princess's neck".

He looked at me his eyes unreadable. I was the only one who could tell his daughter was in danger and the only one who attempted to stop her from being killed. Whether or not he was happy, relieved, or shocked I couldn't tell.

Without saying a word he stood up and made his way over to the railing. "A decision has been made Sokka Mizuno will be the personal bodyguard of Princess Azula".

Word Count: 1364

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