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"How are you feeling? You were out there a long time". I asked as Azula came back to our room. "I'm ok, we had a good talk actually". "That's good to hear". She made her way over and sat beside me placing her head on my shoulder.

"I told her about us". "Hm, is that so"? "It just kinda came up, I'm sorry if you didn't want anyone knowing right now". "No, you never have to apologize for things like that. I'm glad you have your mom and are able to talk about things like that with her". I smiled a little.

"Sokka, I'm sorry I didn't realize". I took her hand in mine. "It's ok my love, she would want me to be happy for you and I genuinely am". She nuzzled her head closer.

"Once we return home everything will be over". "I know". I said sadly. "Which means you'll have to return home with Katara". "Azula-". I was about to say more but was interrupted by a text.

Sun Ray: Katara is no longer a part of the mission. She'll be sent home and your new partner will take her place

I looked at it confused for a good minute before replying.

Me: This is her first mission

Sun Ray: And she clearly cannot handle it. She's allowed herself to develop feelings for the prince which have clouded her judgement.

Me: I've been with her the entire time. Her judgment isn't clouded. We're both doing what we need to

Sun Ray: I should've known she would drag you along with her. I made your orders perfectly clear

Me: Finding Queen Ursa is just as important as killing Ozai. Not only that but since coming to find Queen Ursa we've gained more intel on what happened.

Sun Ray: Such as

Me: Well for starters she's alive and well, not only that but she's the rightful heir to the throne, not Ozai

Sun Ray: Which is why she more than likely went into hiding which is why you need to eliminate him. You have your orders agent.

"Do you have to go back". Azula asked sadly. "I will be returning to Phoniex but with you by my side". I turned and kissed her.


"Are you sure you're ok with going back"? I asked my mother as we prepared to leave. The four of us had stayed here getting to know her and Ikem but now it was time to return home and face my father.

"I am, you and Azula need me, it's time I stop hiding and support you both like I did in the past". She placed her hand on my shoulder smiling. "What if I'm not ready to be king"? "You'll have me there to help guide you and Azula, Katara, and Sokka to help support you just stick to the plan and everything will be fine".

"She's right". Katara said coming to stand next to me. "I promised you I'd stay by your side, that's a promise I don't plan on breaking". She smiled.

"Thank you". I smiled back.

We left during the night. The flight was long with most of us sleeping the entire time but were able to make it back during early sunrise. I called for two rental cars and the four of us left towards the palace while mother went to get into position.

Once at the palace gates, the guards let us through when they saw Azula and I both in one of the cars. Sokka and I parked and the guards opened the doors for us soon after.

"Your Highnesses are you both alright"? "Yes Erick. Azula and I are perfectly fine. We weren't kidnapped nor were we harmed the four of us just went on a little trip to help Azula relax from all the stress she's been under".

"I see. Regardless your father wishes to speak with you". I nodded. "I wish to speak with him as well". He headed inside and I followed behind with Katara's hand in mind. We were given suspicious looks but none of them dared to say anything about it.

The guards inside announced our entrance as we walked in the throne room and were greeted with scowls from both my father and Mei.

"Where the hell have the two of you been? Neither of you are allowed to leave this palace without my permission". I looked at him unbothered. "You have no right to tell either of us what to do anymore. Your not the rightful king I am".

"What none sense are you going on about? I haven't stepped down from the throne yet". "I don't need you to, Azula and I went looking for mom, she told us everything about how her parents are the true royals of the kingdom and how her family had to go into hiding because great-grandfather Sozin betrayed King Roku.

Your nothing but a fake. You abused both Azula and I for years as a way of trying to maintain control over us, this scar on my face is proof enough. You even beat and forced our mother to have kids so you could have an heir to the throne and your legacy could live on but all of that ends today. You're going to get your ass off my throne and out of my kingdom".

"You insulent brat I should've had Mei target you instead of your sister". I was shocked but couldn't allow myself to concentrate on what he said. He lunged at me as fast as he could but I managed to dodge it in time.

He turned around and went for another punch but I managed to move my head to the side and catch his foot after he tried kicking me in the head. I looked at him sternly before head-butting him in the head and punching him in the gut.

"We needed a father but ended up with a dictator instead". I punched him in the face then grabbed his hair and slammed his face on my knee breaking his nose.

"I don't care what you do to me but hurting my mother and sister is something I can't forgive. This is the last time I ever want to see your disgusting face". I let him go and turned around to hug Azula.

"You don't get to say when it's over"! He yelled. From the corner of my eye, I could see him running towards us but was soon tackled to the ground by one of the guards.

"The king has spoken Ozai, it's time for you to leave". Mom said walking out of her hiding spot with a camera crew. "Everything's on video, your finished". The guards took him away.

Everything was peaceful from then on. Katara and Sokka were fired for not accomplishing their mission but was fine with it. Azula moved to Moon kingdom with Sokka and ended up marrying him and having a daughter.

Katara stayed in Phoniex with me where we married and had four kids.

Word Count: 1180

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