Learning The Truth

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Ty Lee

Confusion filled my head as I made my way through the palace floors. Mei had asked me over which I found completely odd. If she wasn't acting so cold and dismissive of Azula's feelings then maybe I'd be more comfortable with seeing her but it looks like she's letting the Phoneix Queen title go to her head. I don't like it. She's not acting like the Mei I used to know at all.

"There you are Ty Lee, I've been looking for you". Mei said walking over towards me. She was wearing a red dress with her hair down. "I was looking for you as well". I bowed. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long". "Not at all, come with me".

I raised myself up and followed behind her. She said nothing as we walked down a different hall and into a room. I immediately knew something wasn't right. Torches lit the room to reveal shackles hanging from the ceiling.

The room was cold giving off a erri feeling that made my skin crawl. I didn't like it. I wanted to get out of here as fast as I could. "W what are we doing here Mei"?

"Simple really, I want to know where Azula and Zuko are and you're going to tell me". I turned around looking at her confused. "What are you talking about? I thought Azula was here. I was going to see her after talking to you. Do you think her attackers took them both"?

The next thing I knew I was falling and hit the floor hard. "Don't play dumb with me. Azula kept crying to you constantly, l know you figured out a way of getting her out of this palace now tell me where she went".

"I don't know, honestly". "Guards". Two men came in through the door. They both picked me up by force and brought me over to the shackles cuffing both my wrists. They stepped away from me and the next thing I knew I was screaming loud as electricity shot through my body.

"You will tell me what I want to know or else, I'm not going to hide from you like I did Azula".


I couldn't believe it. I've dreamt about this day multiple times since I've been gone but I never thought I'd ever be given the opportunity to see my son and daughter again. The three of us looked at each other not knowing what to do or say. On instinct, I wanted to hug them both especially seeing Zuko was obviously hurt but knew that wouldn't be appropriate given the situation.

"Ursa, who is it". Ikem called as he made his way over to us. I saw confusion fill both my children's eyes as he stood behind me with his hand on my shoulder. "Ikem, meet Zuko and Katara". I didn't have to look back to see the sad look on his face. "Come in, all of you".

I made my way to the living room and they followed behind immediately. Once there Azula and the girl that was helping Zuko stand both helped him sit on the couch opposite from me.

"We'll let the three of you talk in private". The man that was with Azula said. "I'll be in the kitchen". Ikem said before placing a kiss on my head and leaving with the other two. I was the first to break the silence between us.

"I'm overjoyed to see the two of you but how did you find me"? "Katara and Sokka helped us find you after Katara found documents that gave the impression you might still be alive. If you were alive all this time why didn't you try to contact us? Why did you abandon and leave us alone with that monster"? I looked at him sadly as I watched him struggle to hold back tears that were forming in his eyes.

"Let me start from the beginning. Your father isn't the rightful heir to the throne I am, my mother Rina was Phoniex king Roku's daughter and only biological child. When she came of age she married my father who was a town man.

He didn't have much to offer her but she didn't care and neither did my grandparents. They married and had me but everything turned for the worse when Sozin my grandfather's best friend rebelled against him and took the crown for himself.

Me, my mother, and father were able to escape and go into hiding but it cost us losing them both. We came to this town where I met Ikem the man you saw earlier. We grew up together as friends and slowly fell in love with one another as we became teenagers. If I had things my way he would have been your father but I was never allowed happiness for long.

When Azulon was king he managed to find me and told your father. They only needed me so I could continue the true royal bloodline for them. Rumors were starting to spread that they were fake heirs and wanted to put an end to all of that immediately. If I didn't comply my mother and father would have been killed infront of me and Ikem put into prison.

You two are the only things that made me happy in that hell hole. Your father would beat me whenever he felt like it, I tried to get him to beat me instead of the two of you but it didn't work. It never worked and I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from him". Tears were streaming down my face at this point.

"I still remember the night I was banished, Azula you were up in your room and Zuko you and I were spending time in the garden when he took me away from you. I told him not to be so harsh with you, I've always told him not to be so harsh with both of you but now that he was named the next king he no longer had to listen to me or keep me around.

He stripped me of the robes I was in and threw me outside with nowhere to go. The only option I had was to try and contact Ikem for help. It took a few days but he was able to answer eventually and bring me here where we've been living ever since.

I was hoping to be able to reunite with my parents but the turmoil of not knowing if their daughter was safe or not is what eventually killed them both. Once I settled in here I wanted to go back for the two of you but I couldn't, I was afraid to. I have lost too many people in my life and I couldn't risk Ozai killing you both as a form of punishment for me. In his head, he can always force me to have another baby.

I hate what I did to you both. I hate that I hurt you, hurting you was the last thing I ever wanted to do but I didn't have a choice. Me staying away was the only way I could protect you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry". My head was low as tears fell one after the other. The last thing I expected was for them both to get up and come hug me.

Word Count: 1239

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