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In the dimly lit corridors of Ivanov mansion, where shadows whispered secrets and the air was heavy with unspoken pain,where the echoes of power reverberated against gilded walls, where constant beating and scream in pain was just a music of peace,where there own childrens were treated as a slave ,thats the secret of Ivanov's mansion.To outsiders, the Ivanov's were a symbol of prosperity, their wealth gleaming like polished marble. But within the confines of their luxurious home, prosperity wore the mask of cruelty, and wealth was a currency that bought both opulence and suffering.

The slam of the front door reverberates through the house, a jarring signal that the storm is about to descend. My heart quickens, anticipating the tempest that follows his arrival. It's a sound that sends shivers down my spine. I retreat to the corner of my room, where the shadows could hide me.

 The air thickens with the weight, His footsteps echo like ominous drumbeats, each one a prelude to the violence that stains our home.I brace myself, each heartbeat a countdown to the inevitable clash of wills.And then he slammed my room door " Well well my beautifull daughter do you know what have you done today"

"I.I..I'm sorry papa I'm sorry but please dont hurt me papa"My voice trembles, a feeble attempt to navigate the minefield of his anger.

"Do you know what u have done"his voice became more deep telling i just fueled his anger but the issue is I have'nt done anything he just want a reason to hit me.

"Look at me!" His voice is a command, a thunderous demand that shakes the very foundation of my fragile refuge. I lift my gaze reluctantly, meeting his eyes,  filled with a darkness that sends shivers down my spine.

"Answer me pretty girl"his steps comes closer I go back from his every steps.

"I-I "

"I-I WHAT I-I"His hand swings, a forceful slap that paints the room with a sudden burst of pain. My cheek stings, but it's the sting of my own powerlessness that cuts deeper.

"You're just like your mother—weak, useless!" His words are a torrent, each one a lash that I silently endure.

He caught my hair and pulled me and removed his belt  and started hitting ,my screams echoed but nobody came to help all are scared ."Why can't you be better? Why can't you be what I want you to be?" His frustration echoes, but the answers remain trapped in the hollows of my silence.

"Clean yourself up," he mutters, a hollow offering of mercy. I nod, my movements mechanical, and he exits, leaving behind a room tainted with the aftermath of his anger.

Alone, I cradle my pain, my tears falling like silent witnesses to a violence that no room should ever have to endure. In the mirror, I meet my own gaze, the reflection of a girl marked not only by bruises but by the silent strength that refuses to surrender.

In this room, I gather the scattered fragments of my courage. One day, I will step beyond its confines, leaving behind the echo of his footsteps and reclaiming the stolen pieces of my spirit.


I wokeup when sunlight hit directly to my face i couldnt move as my body was facing a large amount of pain this is nothing new but but i wanted it to stop I question this to god every morning Why Does He Hate me So Much?.....why....why..

i tried to get up as I sat there, tears streaming down my cheeks, the door creaked open, and in the soft glow of the hallway light, my brother Mateo concerned face emerged.

He entered with a quiet understanding, his eyes reflecting the mixture of anger and empathy. Without uttering a word, he closed the door gently behind him His mere presence felt like a shield, a buffer against the chaos outside.

"Hey," he said, his voice a soothing balm to my wounded soul. I glanced up, meeting his gaze,he moved closer, taking a seat beside me, and in that moment, the unspoken bond between us spoke volumes. "I heard what happened," he murmured, a subtle quiver in his voice revealing the depth of his concern. "You don't have to go through this alone."

"Its okay brother I am fine " I said with a forced smile , he reached out, his hand finding mine, a silent promise of support and solidarity. "You're not alone, princess. I am always there for you this will end very soon dont worry and Stop saying that you are fine when u are not! Just wait princess till I become the next leader and I am gonna kill him"

I nodded, unable to articulate the storm of emotions within me."Okay princess just get ready and come down for breakfast and dont be late because dads is also having with us"


"yes papa maybe he need to tell somthing so come fast okay dont be late" he said while giving a kiss on my forhead and exited the room .







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