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As I sat in the passenger seat beside him , the tension in the air was suffocating .His knuckles were white as they gripped the steering wheel, his jaw clenched so tightly I could practically hear his teeth grinding together. The anger radiating off him was palpable, and I knew I was the cause .

I wanted to ask him many questions like Who is that MAN? but whenever he looked at me my mouth went shut . The silence between us was deafening. I could feel his anger simmering beside me like a volcano ready to erupt. Every glance he shot my way was filled with accusation, and I felt like I was walking on eggshells, afraid to say anything that might set him off.

But didnt do anything wrong here , he was the one who talked to me , and why the fuck is this man showing showing me this attitude?

When we finally pulled into the driveway ,  I braced myself for what was to come. As soon as we stepped inside, he rounded on me, his eyes ablaze with fury.

"What were you thinking, talking to that guy at the party?" he spat, his voice dripping with venom.

"I-I- did'nt mean anything by it he was the one who was speaking to me"I stuttered, feeling the weight of his anger crushing me.

"Didnt mean anything ? Do you know who is that man ?"he growled, advancing towards me like a predator closing in on its prey.


"Okay so now listen he is  Aleksandra Petrov. "

Ohh fuck I'm in great trouble Aleksandra Petrov one of the strongest mafia leader and current don of Russian mafia and also the Italians mafia biggest rival .

"I... I didn't know he was our enemy," I stammered.

"That's no excuse," he retorted sharply, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"You will not be stepping out of this house without my permission ."


"No dont argue thats not gonna end up good" he yelled .

" I didnt speak to him he was the one who was speaking!"

"I said dont argue with me!!" his voice growing even colder. 

"Just shut up and go to your room any word and I wont see you as a human I will treat you like a bug and put you in the dungeon"his voice tinged with a dangerous edge.

This threat was not a bluff it was real he would do everything what he has told now, he is a menace who would love to torture anyone just to make someone obey him .

I kept quite and slowly left that place and went to my room . 

I have to run away from here faster before anything bad can happen here .



As I sifted through the old papers in the attic, searching for some documents, my fingers stumbled upon an envelop. It was weathered and yellowed with age, tucked away and in the arm chairand , it was a piece of a paper , I gingerly opened it,

Your empire crumbles beneath my superior intellect. As for your so-called "sexy" wife, she has become my new distraction, I'll enjoy watching her yearn for a real man as I dismantle your pathetic existence. Prepare for your downfall, for I relish the sweet taste of victory.And I, with my cunning and resources, shall be the force that brings it crashing down around you. Rest assured, I will leave no stone unturned in my quest to see you brought to your knees, begging for mercy that shall never come.

Fear not, dear Leonardo,  I have no intention of laying a finger on your beloved wife... at least, not yet. No, I shall content myself with watching from the shadows as you struggle to keep her safe from the wolves that circle ever closer. And rest assured, should the opportunity present itself, I shall not hesitate to claim what is rightfully mine.

                                                                                                                                                                         - A

As I stared at the damning paper in my hands, a rage unlike any I had ever known ignited within me. How dare he?Every word felt like a slap in the face, fueling a firestorm of fury that raged within me. How dare he say such thing of my wife? how dare he look at her? how dare he threaten my empire?

But amidst the anger, a chilling realization dawned upon me - if my enemy had access to such intimate details about my personal lifecould keep his letter here and , then there must be a mole within my own ranks. Someone close, someone I trusted, was betraying me from the shadows, feeding information to the enemy .

 How long had this traitor been operating undetected? And what other secrets had they shared with our enemies, putting everything we had worked so hard to build at risk?

I would find the mole, no matter the cost, for betrayal could not go unpunished, and those who dared to stab me in the back would soon feel the full force of my wrath.

Whoever this mole is he better be counting his days.










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