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As I gradually surfaced from the depths of sleep, the soft light of morning filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Blinking away the remnants of slumber, I felt a sense of disorientation settle over me. My body felt heavy, limbs weighted down by a lingering haze of alcohol.

 Then a sudden wave of realisation hit me Were am I?Turning my head, I caught  a faint outline in the dimness of the room. Recognition sparked in the recesses of my mind, but I don't remember anything How did I end up here?

Bits and pieces of the night before floated to the surface of my consciousness, fragmented and disjointed. I remembered laughter, the clinking of glasses with Isabella, and the low murmur of voices. I remembered the pulsing beat of music, the heady rush of adrenaline that had coursed through my veins.

But beyond that, everything was a blur, a jumble of sensations and half-formed memories. I couldn't recall how we had ended up here?

A pang of unease rippled through me as I struggled to piece together the events of the previous night. Had I done something reckless, something that could put us both in danger? Had I unwittingly crossed a line that I could never uncross?

As I look under my sheats I see Im not in my yesterdays clothes Did Isabella helped me? 


I have to ask Isabella what happened and how did i end up here.

                                                                         .                     .                       .

My bare feet padding across the hallway. Downstairs, the air felt different—charged with tension.I see Isabella sitting on the couch with her heads down with a sad look and Leonardo, stood near the kitchen counter, arms crossed. His expression was a mix of frustration and disappointment .

"Good morning," I mumbled, my voice still thick with sleep.

Leonardo's eyes bore into mine. "Morning? More like afternoon. "

I sat next to Isabella and wispered "What happened yesterday?"

She looked at me and was going to tell me then " Have this" leonardo gave us a food to eat . We started to eat but leonard was sitting straight in front of us and and staring at us with anger and dissapointment, What had I done? My mind raced, but the memories remained elusive.

After we finished our eating nobody of us wouldnt dare to get up from our place because Leonardo had pinned un on our seats with his eyes .

"So do you guys have any idea what you had done yesterday" he yelled, but we stayed silent either we were scared to talk back or we dont remember anything .

Leonardo's jaw clenched. "You guys went for shopping and  were supposed to be back in an hour. But you guy stayed there until late evening, chatting away like old friends. That was fine but after that you guys went club and that to without and bodyguard  and WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU GUYS THE PREMISSION". 

We both were still silent  , I mean what could we even tell  we agree that it was our mistake . 

"We are sorry" I finally spoke  .

He didn't respond, his cold eyes fixed on me, waiting. The silence was suffocating, pressing down on me like a physical force.    

I continued, wringing my hands nervously. "We are sorry that we went to the club last night without your permission and we didn't take any bodyguards. I know it was reckless and dangerous."                                                                                                                                                                              

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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