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"Maam Sir has come back would you like to meet him anytime"

I stood shock as soon as the maid told this new not because he came to home but because he came back as soon as I made my money by using his money "No please I would like to be in my room now I'm not really feeling good right now" I told her with a smile.

"Yes maam, can call me anytime when you feel worse" she said with a pity look and left my room.

Now the only thing was running in my head is that Why did he come back? Did he come back because he finished his work or did I spend his money way too much that doesnt matter he earns that much money in a minute . 

I signed even if he thinks that I spent way too much money he wouldnt have sat this cool , he would have told me a two curse word as soon as he entered this house and I didnt do anything that he wouls know anything about my escape so the the reason is different.

                                              .                                     .                                           .

"Maam sir has called you to come for dinner" the same maid came and said with proffesional and a sence of worry tone

"Tell him that.."

"Maam please it would be better if you obey him"she cut me before I even finish speaking .

I can understand these maid because they all pity me and they know that this man dont take any rejection , so one no for his command can make one of these maid my life miserable.

I signed "I will be in 10 minutes" and then she left the room.

I started breating technique to  calm myshelf down because this pressure is too much to handle afte some time I left my room and went towards the dinning room without bothering how I look , and why should I bother its not like I love this man DUD! 

I stood in front of the dinning room and with a shrug I opened the door and directly sat on the chair which far away from him.


I am now sitting in the dinning table while my little wife sitting a mile away from me , while she entered this dinning hallbefore my eyes landed on her petite yet having curves figure , she was in her shorts and a crop top , she definately doing this wantedly ,I dont know why its making me more happy that my wife is doing so much to get my attention which was a new feeling , Is it because I am married ? No !why would'nt she every women here would do any thing to get my attention.

This room was full of silence "So how was your shopping?" she flinched as I spoke,her posture became stiff and she looked at me "I..it was good" 

Fuck! Her voice is too sweet.

"Next time spend more "

"Huh?" her eye widened and was sitting there bewildered as if she is shock of what I saud.

"I said next time spend more I dont want you to spend this less "

Now her widened shock expression is turned into sparkel and ambitious  look but Why is she so ambitious about ? Maybe to buy more stuffs ohh so my little wife loves money. Which was so unexpected from her because she looks very naive and timid.

"Okay" she said with a low voice .

"Shift your thing to my room today" I said .

"Umm.. no" 

WHAT? What did I hear? Did she tell no?

"Why is that?" I trying my best to control myshelf.

"Umm.. Because I want to"she said it with a smile .


"Thank you for food " she said and ran away from the dinning room.

This is pissing me off Who does she think she could tell no to me ? 

"Peter!" I yelled.

"Yes sir"

"Take me to Mrs Ricci's room"

"Yes sir ,please room"

 So wife telling me no was your first mistake.

                                           .                                                            .                                                   .

I stood infront of the room and pushed opened the door without knocking , as soon as I entered the room my eyes londed on all the bags on the floor .

I heard a sudden gasp from Arina , before I could say anything she  ignored me and started to admire the necklace she brought today.

I was shock to see how brave she was to ignore me! ME! LEONARDO RICCI! THE DON!

And Wasnt she waiting for he husband to come home? Wasnt she doing this to get my attention ? And why is she acting like this now?

Ohh maybe she angry!!

"Why did you run away?" I asked still eyeing on her.

She just looked at me for a minute "I didnt run away" and then again started to admire her black handbag now.

Is those things that important than me? The anger was building inside me even more "Then what was that ?"

"What do you mean? And why are you here?" she said without taking her off  of her perl necklace.

"Why am I here ? Do I need any reason to come here? Can't a  husband come and see his wife?"

If a look can kill anyone and it would be the current expression which Arina ig giving but for me it's just cute to see my wife is angry. And then she signed and again started to admired that damn perl necklace.

"Are you ignoring me?"

She still didnt see or tell anything to me.

"How dare you?" my voice changed as I am trying to control my rage. 

She still didnt give any responce , before I realise to do anything i strode in front of her and snachted her perl necklace , the necklace broke and the perls scattered across the floor , I smirked feeling satisfied as her all attention was on him with a shock and scared expression "How could you?" she said with anger, before I could tell anything she punched me on my chest and I on the other had fucking  caught off gaurd and fell backward and and she sat on top of me , I automatically went on fight mode and was going to catch her neck and but she then started to punch my chest, I should be angry but I was amazed to see my wife's red face .

Then when she was ready to scratch my face with her long nails I caught her wrist , but my wife was still not finished , she was still moving her hip and body against me to release her wrist

"jeez wife you are making me hard right now " 





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