14.Party (part 2)

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I could feel his intense gaze on me, a weighty presence that seemed to linger in the air, suffusing the room with a charged energy. Despite his stern face, I could sense  a subtle shift in his demeanor, a hunger in his eyes that sent a shiver of anticipation running through my veins.

Can't he just stop looking at me like that? 

Even though he hasn't utter a word after seeing me in this dress his stare says it all .

"So shall we go ?" I met his eye and he nods his head.

Once I and Leonardo were inside the car I could still feel his stare , then suddenly "Fuck it"he mumbled and grabbed my waist and made me sit on his lap . Huh? how did this happen ? My face turned red when he snuggled his face against my chest and then I accidently met driver's wild and bewildered eyes through the rear mirror , so embarassing !! 

The driver immediately pressed a button and closed the back seat from his sight .  I started hitting leonardo's shoulder to signal him to let me out but he only tightened his grip around me . My soul left my body when he pecked on my collar bone . Then he traced his nose on my skin and  whispered in my ear and said, "Let's have our first night today ,wife" .

First night ??? As his wife I have to take care of my husband's desire but i dont want to take risk when I'm planning on my escape.

"Why so silent wife ?" he asked with his deep voice bringing me back to reality.

Before I could reply anything we had already reached the destination and the driver knocked the window saving me from the trouble . 

Leonardo still had his hand around his waist,even though i tried to remove his hand he kept tightening his grip around my waist.it was so annoying that he could do anything just because he was stronger than me.

" Stay here " he said with a serious look "stay here and don't talk to anyone here just sit here and I will be back in a minute okay?"

"Okay" and then he left with the group of people , I  was admiring this party hall. it throbed with sound of music and the murmur of conversation as I navigated through the group of people, my eyes scanning the crowd for familiar faces. It was a lavish affair, hosted by one of mafia families, and tensions crackled in the air like static electricity .

I didnt dare to move a bit because I didn't want to trouble Leonardo and didn't have any energy to argue with him and the only thing running in my mind right now is how to escape from my first night .

 "You look like you could use some company," a man suddenly appearead ,his tone laced with a dangerous charm not gonna lie this man was hot ,  his black hair  tousled in a way that made him look effortlessly cool, and his muscular frame hinted at a strength that was both impressive and alluring , I don't want to admit it he was not as hot as Leonardo.

I forced a smile, attempting to mask the unease churning in my stomach. "I'm fine on my own, thanks," I replied, hoping to deter him with my cool indifference.

"Come on, sweetheart," he murmured, "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone at a party like this." 

Ohh just shut up and go I don't want us to be in trouble. 

I don't Leonardo to see us together here or else I'm a dead meat.

 "Is this seat taken?" he asked, gesturing to the empty chair across from me.

"Yes , my husband will be here" I said so he can take a hint .

"How sad how could anyone leave such a beautifull lady alone , if I was your husband I wouldn't have left you for a minute" he said with a playful grin and then he glanced up and saw somone which made his grin ' wider.

When I turned to see what it was SHIT! 

It's him!! Leonardo! 

This guy knows who my husband is and he is doing it on purpose but why?

"You look absolutely stunning tonight," he said, his voice low and smooth,  that sent a thrill racing through my veins.

I forced a polite smile, my heart pounding in my chest as I searched for an escape route. But before I could respond, his hand brushed against mine, sending a jolt of electricity shooting through me.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, leonardo appeared beside me, his expression thunderous as he sees with me, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.

"Didn't I tell you not talk to anyone?" his whispered in my ears in a terrifying way.

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his fury bearing down on me like a heavy cloak. "I-I was just..." I stammered, struggling to find the words to explain.

But his patience had worn thin, his grip firm as he pulled me away from the that guy. "We're leaving," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

As we made our way to the exit, I stole a glance back at him, his gaze burning into mine with a mix of frustration and longing. And in that moment, I knew that I'm fucked But I didn't do anything!!!

"Arina do you know who he is??" he said making me flinch.

"n..no "

"I told you not to talk to anyone "

"I..I Di..dint he--"he cut off

"You have fucked up very big this time Arina" he said  with a look in his eye that I have never seen before and somthing that scared my whole being.

But who is he?






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