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The low hum of conversations weaving through the air , The table was adorned with exquisite silverware, and the aroma of rich Italian cuisine wafted through the air. The mafia dinner party was in full swing spectacle of power. At the center of it all was my father, beside it was me and front of me it was the asshole who didnt sake  my hand , beside him was his uncle and beside me it was empty because Matteo had left for some important business after sometime Mr . Luca Ricci pulled a chair beside me and sat next to me, as soon as he sit all turned and gave hime a questionable look. "Um.. as Matteo had some important business I thought let me sit because i didnt want Arina to feel lonely".


I turned towards my father so that he will tell somthing but he freaking didnt utter a word.Leonardo on the other side gave a death glare only for a few seconds but the acted like he didnt care.

Luca's gaze held a playful glint as he leaned in, "So,Arina how does it feel to be marrying into the family?" a sly grin playing on his lips.

I laughed nervously "It's certainly... different,"I replied, trying to keep my tone light.

In a momentary lull in the festivities, I caught Leonardo staring at me, his gaze intense and unwavering. A shiver ran down my spine as our eyes met, a silent exchange that spoke volumes. 

Luca's playful smile hinted at mischief as he leaned in slightly "You know what Arina, these gatherings can be so boring. But having you next to me makes it infinitely more interesting."

I raised an eyebrow, my gaze meeting his caution "Interesting?"

He chuckled that sent a shiver down my spine. "Ohh! you are so cute, well they are when you're here. I must say, you add a touch of elegance to this otherwise cutthroat world."

I rolled my eye hearing that sentence which gave me goosebumps of cringeness , but I maintained a cool composure. "Flattery might get you somewhere, but I doubt it's a place you want to be."

Luca's eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and desire. "Feisty. I like that. A woman who knows her mind."

"Stop flirting with me I am brother's fiance"

"Soon to be not yet" He leaned back, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Ah, but where's the harm in a little flirtation? Besides, Leonardo is engrossed in his world, and I can't resist the chance to have a captivating conversation with his stunning fiance."

I chuckled nervously, trying to downplay the situation.

"You know Arina, you're marrying the Leader of Italian Mafia, but I can show you a different kind of excitement".

Just as the atmosphere reached its peak, my father, rose to his feet, a glass raised high. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed allies, I am honored to announce a union that will solidify our bonds." His eyes met Leonardo's before turning to me, a signal of the impending announcement. "Tonight, we celebrate the alliance between the families  my daughter and Laurenzo, a union that will strengthen our ties and fortify our legacy." 

A murmur of approval swept through the room as glasses clinked together, I exchanged a glance with Leonardo he had that no expression face literally it was like when will this end , huh I can feel you bro . Then suddenly he started to glare at me I just averted me eyes. Luca , glanced his father Mr . Romeo Riccci and  me,  raised his glass with a smirk, "To family alliances, and may they bring prosperity and, of course, a touch of excitement." 






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