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" I feel sad for her. It only been a week of there marraige and I already feel bad for her"

"Ya me too , and she looks sad too , I knew this would happen we know sir how scary he is even though it looks like arrange marraige , its total a alliance for there profit"

I heard maid gossip around while there were cleaning and cooking in the kitchen , this is all happening because of that so called my beloved husband that is I got married a week ago and my lovely husband hasn't returned  home yet.

But thats not the problem , that asshole can just go anywhere and rot in hell . The real problem is that if I want to run away in few years I need money and how do I do that ? 

So after eavesdropping here I went back to my room , the room was warm and cozy I sat on the bed and started to think hah! 

How about I steel a little from my husband .

He is super rich and steeling a few thousand a month is not a big deal for him right? NO! I don't have any death wish drop this plan. Then what do I do?

How about a buy few jewels and clothes and thn sell them? That is got idea I guess I mean cant say anything me that I'm spending his money as he would'nt care as he didnt enter the house and he also wouldnt know about the selling part YES! thats right. 

" Isnt it still stealing " my subconcious mind says.

"nope its not I'm just buying thing" I assured myshelf.

I stood up abruptly and went to the Roberto the butler"I need money were can I get them"

He saw me top to bottom and took a phone from the pocket and started dailing . after a few minutes , he spoke " Sir, madam is asking money"

"okay sir"

He put down the phone and walk toward me " Follow me" he said with a professional tone.

I followed him , he took me to my husband's room "Sir said there is a credit card in his \drawer you can use that card for money"

Wow ! he didnt even ask why I need money that was easy .

Anyway I'm not gonna sit and cry , this marraige is meant to ne profitted so why not enjoy a little profit of theres , then I can run away when time comes.

God please listen to my prayers I hope this become true.

Now lets go!!!

                                           .                                        .                                   .

Well now I'm in the mall and do you know who else is with UGH it' my bodygaurd .As soon as I enter the mall  don't know what beast came inside I shopped almost every item I liked , even though it was my first time shopping alone.

My eyes fell on my bodygaurd who was having a hard time carrying  my bags but never complained about it , I felt a little bad for him but its not my fault I told him I could go by myshelf but he forced himshelf to com anyway there is  no time for that because I'm not over yet .

I want few rings too. I went to the jeweller shop I just had to point at the things I need they would pack me thinks without saying any word Ah what a life? feels good to be rich , even though my papa was rich he didnt give me the freedom od spending his money or choosing anything I want these many years of frustration I'm letting it out now and it feels so good .

Now only thing left is to create a bank account how do we do that?

*sign* I have to somehow figure out how to create an account with a fake name .






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