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After a alone time session with my soon to be wife I had very Hard time to controll myself to just sit in the dinner table and see Arina and that stupid Luca talking to each other. I just had to sit there that I didnt care which was true I really dont care but the fact that Luca is sitting next to Arina is just bothering me .

Then suddenly Isaac rose to hid feet and rised a glass "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed allies, I am honored to announce a union that will solidify our bonds. Tonight, we celebrate the alliance between the families my daughter and Laurenzo, a union that will strengthen our ties and fortify our legacy." Everyone in the room were enjoying about news that we declared , and clinged glasses , and then that luca raised his glass and then glanced towards his father and then Arina and said with a smrik"To family alliances, and may they bring prosperity and, of course, a touch of excitement." Somthing stired in my heart I felt to take Luka's face and pluck his eyeballs I dont know why?

. . .

As I walked into the dimly lit room where Issac, my soon-to-be father-in-law, was waiting , The air hung heavy with the scent of aged cigars, and the room's shadows seemed to dance with the weight of unspoken secrets. As I approached Ivanov he bowed with respect.

"Mr. Ivanoc , thank you for granting me this audience. There's a matter of great importance that I wish to discuss with you." I said with a stern voice.

"Mr. Ivanov, the currents in our world are shifting rapidly. I don't have the luxury of time. Waiting is not an option. I want to marry Isabella next week, and I've made the necessary arrangements."

His silence was unnerving,but I maintained my composure, knowing that in the world this inhabited, time could be both an ally and an adversary.

Finally he broke the silence "Next week? such haste is unusual even for someone of your standing. Explain yourself."

"As you know Mr Isaac this is an arrange marraige and marraige is going to anyway why not next week because i'm dont have time after next week. So what you say?"

He didnt hesitate or show any sad feeling shit that his daughter is going to get married"You're right, You can do anything you whatever you want Mr Leonardo".


The dinner party was over and now I am sitting in my room peacfully after changing into tat red dress then suddenly father pushed the door  "You'll be marrying next week. I've arranged everything."

His words hung in the air, heavy and final, like  there was no escape. Panic gripped me as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what he had just decided for me. My heart raced, and my palms became clammy as I dared to look into his cold, unyielding eyes.  

"What? Marrying next week? But, I—"

 "No arguments. You'll do as you're told."

His voice, so accustomed to commanding, brooked no opposition.

"You can't just decide my entire life! I have a say in this, don't I?"

"say? Did you just talk back?"

A bitter taste filled my mouth as I bit back tears. The man who had made my life a living hell was now orchestrating the next chapter without a care for my feelings or desires. He slowed stepped forward "Remember where you belong  YOU.WILL.DO.WHAT.I.SAY and there is no other way" and then he left my room.

His words were like a cruel lash, and I felt the familiar weight of his dominance crush me. The impending marriage, a sentence to a life of continued submission, hung over me like a storm cloud.

Leave whatever this had to happen anytime but it is happening too soon , one thing I have made up my mind if my husband doesnt care about me is fine but I will enjoy his luxury , but I will miss Mateo the only person i care about did brothe knew about it probably no because if he knew he would make a very big fuzz in the house.

I signed and just thought mom I wish you were alive.Maybe fater would have listen to you maybe me and Mateo would have perfect family.





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