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Arina's POV:

The room had become my prison—a week of solitude, the walls closing in on me. Irritation and frustration gnawed at my sanity. This is all because of my do called husband who instructed everyone in this mansion to not leave me out of this room leaving me to stew in my own discontent.

Then suddenly the door swung open with a force that rattled the room , I was startled by the sudden entrance of a striking woman. It was a women maybe almost of my age , I was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a captivating woman. Her eyes locked onto mine, assessing, calculating. 

"Hey!!" her voice honeyed 

"Hi?" I said more like a question .

Then suddenly she came near me seeing me top to bottom "Umm who are you?"

"Ohh I'm sorry Leo's one and only sister Isabella Ricci"

Relief flooded through me knowing that it is not some stranger.

"Hello I'm Arina Leonardo's ...wife"

She chuckled"I know,  I didnt know you would be this beautifull"

"T..thank you" I dont know why I was shy but I was shy Shit i dont knoe what I was saying.

Whatever it is , its always feel different when any women compliment and another women.

"Now enough of this!!" she suddenly .

"What??" I said with confusion.

"Staying in this room Let go for shopping!!!"

A inner exictement ball got blasted inside me thinking of leaving this room "But-"

"No but any this dont worry Mrs Ricci Mr Ricci has given us the permission"

Relief flooded through me at the prospect of leaving my room, "Alright, let's go," I replied, eager for any semblance of freedom.

As we strolled through the bustling streets, browsing through shops and trying on clothes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation. Not gonna lie I was enoying this moment because I have never experienced this like shopping with someone it wouls always be my brother .

Later when the sun dipped , we sat in the car to go back home I was feeling sad that this day was coming to an end " I dont want to go home yet" Isabella whinned.

"Me too" 

"Let go somewhere else then" Isabella said with a mischievous tone.


"You will see"

As we ventured out, my excitement grew, but it quickly turned to confusion when we arrived at a lively pub instead of a shopping center. "Why are we here?" I asked, feeling a knot of apprehension forming in my stomach.

"Lets have fun!!"

"I dont think Leonardo will be happy about this" I said worriedly.

"I am there with he wont do anything anyways he is an asshole "

I chuckled as we agreeded to this.

As the music thumped through the crowded pub, Isabella and I found ourselves swept up in the infectious energy of the dance floor. The pulsating lights illuminated the room, casting a spell of excitement over us both. With each drink, the weight of tension and stress seemed to fade away, replaced by a heady sense of liberation.

We danced our heart out, I felt a surge of adrenaline as a stranger caught my eye from across the room. His gaze was intense, magnetic, drawing me in with an irresistible allure. As he approached, a thrill coursed through me, igniting a fire within that I had long forgotten.

 "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room," he said, his voice low and smooth, sending a shiver down my spine.

A playful smile danced on my lips as I leaned in closer, emboldened by the alcohol coursing through my veins. "And what do you see?" I teased, my heart racing with anticipation.

I dont know why I said that but I'm blaming this on the alcohol. Little fun is not wrong right?

His eyes sparkled with mischief as he closed the distance between us, his presence electrifying. "I see a woman who knows how to have a good time," he replied, his voice husky with desire.

"She is off limit" suddenly Isabella came pulling me back "Its better you find someone else" that person became pale as soon as saw her "I'm sorry maam I didnt know you knew her " he said and swifted to the other side of the club.

Isabella turned toward me and sighned " You are so drunk Arina Lets go home "

"NO!! its fun here~~" I took another shot, the world around me swirled in a hazy blur as the effects of the alcohol washed over me. Laughter echoed through the crowded pub, mingling with the pulsating beat of the music. 

But I wasn't ready to leave, not yet. If I go back I will be trapped again in that room, it was all too intoxicating to give up so easily. With a playful grin, I shook my head, feeling a sense of rebellious defiance rise within me.

"Come on, it's time to go," Isabella pleaded, her words barely audible over the din of the crowd.

"Noooo, I don't wanna go," I protested, my words slurring as I clung to the remnants of my fleeting freedom. With a playful grin, I pulled her into a clumsy dance, feeling the weight of responsibility and expectation fall away.

"Live a little!" I laughed, spinning her around as the world spun around us. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the exhilaration of the present, the joy of rebellion.


From across the room, I watched as my wife stumbled and laughed, her inhibitions lost in the haze of alcohol. Anger and concern warred within me as I witnessed her reckless behavior, her disregard for my authority.

My sister, supposed to be a trusted companion, had betrayed my trust by bringing my wife here without my permission. Anger flared within me, coupled with a deep sense of possessiveness over my wife's well-being. How could she be so careless, so reckless with her safety?

"Hey, isn't that your wife? Damn, she's hot," he remarked, his tone dripping with envy.

How dare they speak of her in such a manner, as if she were some object to be ogled at? She was mine, my wife, and I would not tolerate anyone disrespecting her.

"Shut up if you see her with direspect you wont be alive " I said with a drak tone. Everybody got panicked and gave a an apologu and went back to there work.

With determined steps, I approached them, my blood boiling with a potent mix of anger and possessiveness. "It's time to go home ". 





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