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I leaned back in my chair and my fingers deftly retrieved a cigar from the ornate box on the table, Antonio took his golden lighter from his pockect and lit my cigar, with each inhale of smoke, I felt a  sense of control, a small rebellion against the chaos that was awaiting me. 

 I watched the tendrils of smoke disperse into the air "Mr Ricci?"

I snapped back to reality and slightly annoyed of this meeting ,I looked at the people present in the meeting "Continue" I ordered with a chilly voice , then suddenly I see my phone loaded with notifications of debited money at first I thought how dare somone steel my money but then I remember  my so call wife wanted a money And I gave her the card.

A smile crept on my face so my little wife is cleaning my account , I really didnt think she is a type who spend money I thought was shy and timid or is she doing it grab my attention ?

"Don Ricci, we need to send a clear message to both fronts. A strategic show of strength to the Russos, and a discreet tightening of our connections in law enforcement." one of the trusted man said

I nodded at at him  "Antonio, I want you to handle the thissituation. Make it subtle but leave no room for misunderstanding."

"yes sir " he said with a determined eyes.

"this meeting is over" I said and walked out of the meeting room.

"Sir you have--"

"Cancle it" I cut Antonio off.

"But sir he is an important person-"

"Do you want me to repeat again"

"no..no sir"

I went to my office and started my paper work "So sir are you going to stay at your hotel today? What should I order for dinner?"

"No thats not need I'm going to home today"

"Huh ?"

"Cancle all the meeting today" I orders


"Did you loose youe mind?" I yelled at Antinio.

"what? No..no sir I will prepare a car for you sir."He  said with a feared and confused expression.

"Yes and make it quick"

                                           .                                     .                                     .

When my Rolls Royce Boat Tail pulled infront of the gate of my estate my bodygaurd opened the gate as soon he saw mw without any delay .I'm the only person they can allow inside the estate without any security check.

The car stopped infront of the mansion , Peter immediatly came to open the door od the car for his master which me. It feels so good when someone is under you.

I tugged my tie and got into the house after a week , as I enter the house all the maids had a shocked expression and bowed there head.

"What would you like to do first sir?" Peter asked.

"I would like to take a bath and have dinner in 1 hour"

"Yes sure will Sir"he said and left to do his work. Peter has been with since my childhood , he is like a father figure for me but I never shown that affection to him because mafia affection , love and feelings are only for weak .

I went to my room my eyes went everywere in my room but I couldnt find certain someone , my little wife where is she? 


"yes sir"

"Where is Arina?"

"Mam is in guest room sir madam shifted her things there" he said in professional tone.

So my little wife has shifted Is she angry that ignored her for a week ? First she spent my money and now she shifted her things to the guest room HUH! my wife is doing so much to get my attention. A smile krept on my face.

"Okay  fine you can leave" .

Okay liitle wife I'm gonna give you all my attention.






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