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With determined steps, I approached them, my blood boiling with a mix of anger and possessiveness. "It's time to go home," I declared, my voice loud , sharp and authoritative, cutting through the noise of the pub.

Their drunken behavior was a blatant disregard for my authority, and I couldn't let it slide.

"You two are coming with me, NOW!," I commanded, my voice firm and authoritative.

But to my astonishment, they resisted. Denying my orders, they protested, their drunken defiance evident in their slurred words and unsteady movements. Anger flared within me, but before I could react, Isabella and Arina flicked a middle finger and said " yo~~you areeee ann assssholeeeeeee~~~~" and started to laugh.

Frustration boiled over as I watched them stumbling , my patience wearing thin. 


I couldn't allow them to continue down this path of reckless behavior.

In a decisive move, I instructed one of my men to escort my sister home, unwilling to tolerate her disobedience any longer. Then, turning to my wife, I took matters into my own hands, gripping her arm firmly and pulling her towards the exit.

As I dragged her away from the chaos of the pub, I couldn't help but notice a shift in her demeanor. Gone was the defiance, replaced by something else entirely—a raw, primal desire that sent a jolt of electricity coursing through me.


It was as if the alcohol had unlocked a hidden part of her, a side that was uninhibited and unrestrained. And as I felt her body press against mine, her breath hot against my neck, I realized with a start that she was aroused.

I lifted her up and threw her inside the passenger seat her limbs limp and uncoordinated . But before I could even make it to the driver's seat, she began to fumble with the buttons of her dress, her movements clumsy and erratic.

I hold her both for her hand with one hand " Come on . Stop that" my tone tinged with exasperation as I reached across to gently restrain her hands.

"IIttsss hoottt~~" she started to fumble with her buttons again.

It was no use. In her drunken state, she seemed determined to shed her clothing right then and there. 

And I like a asshole was enjoying the veiw.

But as she continued to undress , her actions grew bolder  at that time I just started the car and drove swiftly as I just wanted to reach home and didnt wanted to do anything stupid with her in this state.

But her movements becoming more insistent, I knew that I was fighting a losing battle .

I brought one of my hand between her thighs and my fingers dancing in her sensitive flesh , all the while me continuing to keep my focus on road.

"You really are a horny one," I muttered. A soft giggle, as she ran her fingers through his still wet hair. There was something else in her gaze.

She was moaning unstoppable just by not doing anything much and those moans were just killing my pants.

As soon as I reached my mansion I lifted Arina and entered and threw her on the bed.

My mouth clashed against her as she gasped of my sudden movement. The surrounding became too hot with the rising desire. Our lips were molded together to a passionate kiss. 

So intense. Wild.  Even our breathings were becoming ragged . Arina wrapped her hand around my neck and grabbed my hair pushing me more further into her mouth.

Not gonna lie I like this side of my wife.

I wrapped her around her waist but one of my hand crawled to her butt while other went to her breast.

My tongue inmmediately found the entry to her mouth and tasting the every corner of her mouth.

"Fuck Your are so gorgeous" I whispered against her lips. I stood up and removed my tshirt. 

 "Please..." She begs, breathless, her words naught but a whisper into the night air.

"I know, honey, I know..." my voice has dropped  "God, look at you, shaking and moaning for me. Lordy, you're soaking my fingers baby."

The moans tumbling from her mouth were outside her control, as were her movements . She clasp on my hair were tightening, her pelvis lifting to push into my touch, her legs opening further to provide me better access.

The warmth of my hand was now cold when I sticks a slick fingers into my mouth. 

"God damn, you taste so nice." I said, moving down to drop to her knees at the edge of the bed, between her spread legs, "Can I do this baby? You okay with it?"

 she just nodded  a little "mhm."

I know I shouldnt consider asking her anything in this situation but I cant help it .

My fingers glide over her skin one last time, and she lets out a gasp as I slides inside her, moving slowly. I give her  a moment to adjust and holded her securely . Ans then I fastenned my pace  her eyes shut to feel the sensations before  I snapped  "Look at me," I demanded , grabbing her face with my thumb in her mouth. Her eyes shot open to my command, and she witnessed how hungry I was.

Arousal was at its peak  as I vigorously slammed into her with no restraint, never breaking the eye contact . The clapping noises of flesh and her screams, the sensation of her wet heat wrapped around my fingers, the sopping sounds of our love making, and the way her nails dug into my arms, this view was was most satisfying then the before one.

The action took her offguard as the wave of pleasure hit her. "please" she whispered in desperation.

"Please what say my name" I teased her.

"Leo plea...please."

I smirked before diving inot her clit my toungu lapped into her folds ans she yelped in pleasure.

"Leo I--i am gonna  Oh god !! "

I quicken my pace and started sucking her out , soon she came into my mouth. I immediately removed my finger and placed her on the bed only to see her sleeping soundly.

I smiled while tucking her hairs behing her ears "Sleep tight wife."






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