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As I entered the room i collapse down and started to cry why am I so weak ? why can't I just live normally? why can't I just go find someone I love that they show in books and movies ? 

Mother I hope you were here with me now Why would you leave me mother ? My life is miserable without you you could have taken me with you .

Then suddenly a command echoed through the halls of our house and then suddenly the door of my room slammed open" Get ready for tommorow " my father's voice rang out "We're hosting a dinner party tomorrow for this Alliances, and you'll be meeting your future husband. Make sure you look elegant."

I nodded my head , "I've arranged a special outfit for you. Something that will impress our guests and, more importantly, your intended husband."

he handed me the box "Open it" he said , i started to open the box  it was a lomg dress but too revealing for me I bet it would make me unconfortable  "Papa, do I have to wear this? It's..."

He cut me off with a glare, his voice stern and unforgiving. "You will wear what I provide. This is about appearances, about making the right impression. Don't question me."

I swallowed hard, nodding obediently. "Yes, Papa." And then he left my room.

                                                      .                        .                        .

The following day i foung myshelf in the cliuthes of revealing gown, the long red dress is a captivating , the rich, vibrant shade of red commands attention, evoking passion and confidence  ,which I dont really have.

The dress clings to the contours of the body, sculpting a silhouette that accentuates curves and exudes femininity. The fabric, perhaps a luxurious satin or silk, catches the light as the wearer moves, creating a subtle sheen that enhances the dress's allure.

A daring slit, strategically placed along one side, the split begins at the thigh, extending upwards to unveil a glimpse of leg with each step.The reveal is tantalizing yet tasteful, maintaining an air of sophistication.

The off-shoulder neckline , gracefully framing the collarbones and shoulders while allowing a glimpse of  too much skin.The fabric cascades down the arms, with contrasts with the bold slit overall it the beautifull dress but it is somthing I never wore before which make me less confident , father would have wantedly choose this dress to that how he loves his beautifull daughter and how much of a beauty I am.

The fabric cascades down the arms, with contrasts with the bold slit overall it the beautifull dress but it is somthing I never wore before which make me less confident , father would have wantedly choose this dress to that how he loves his beauti...

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"Make her look presentable," father entered my room  with one of the maid and his eyes assessing my appearance with a critical gaze.

"She's representing our family tonight."The maid nodded, her eyes meeting mine with a silent understanding.

"Remember," my father hissed , "not a word about our family matters. No one needs to know about my methods. Smile, act like the dutiful daughter. Understood?"

I nodded, the weight of his warning pressing down on me. "Yes, Papa." and left my room.

I sat in front of the vanity mirror, the soft glow of the dressing room lights illuminating the array of cosmetics that lay before me. The maid stood beside me with a palette of bold colors in her hands.

"You have such lovely features, Miss," she said, her voice very soothing.

I smiled appreciatively, the nerves and excitement of the upcoming event tingling beneath my skin. "Thank you. I trust your skill."

With a delicate touch, she began the transformation. The makeup brushes danced across my skin like strokes on a canvas. As she worked, she spoke softly, offering a comforting commentary.

"You know, a touch of this bold eyeshadow will bring out the depth of your eyes."

I chuckled, feeling a newfound sense of anticipation.

The sweet maid continued her artistry, her fingers deftly navigating the palettes and brushes. "And a bold lip color, maybe something deep and alluring. "

I watched in the mirror as my reflection transformed. The bold makeup was like a burst of confidence, a layer of armor for the evening ahead.

"There we go," she said, stepping back to admire her work. "You look stunning, Miss."

I met my own eyes in the mirror, it was.....it was like I am seeing a different person I look so beautifull . "Thank you so much. You truly have a gift." i said softly as I could.

The maid beamed, her eyes sparkling with pride. "It's a pleasure to help you feel your best." And she left my room.

                                                                          .                     .                   .

The hall was filled with  the air of hushed conversations, laughter, and the clinking of crystal glasses—a symphony of wealth and influence. It was not merely a dinner party; it was a strategic alliance unfolding in the guise of elegance.

Round tables adorned with fine linens and delicate centerpieces dotted the space, each meticulously arranged to encourage intimate conversations.The scent of exquisite cuisine wafted through the air, a tantalizing invitation to indulge in the culinary delights carefully curated for the occasion. Servers moved gracefully between the tables, their trays carrying delicacies that mirrored the fusion of alliances forming in the room.

As I made my way through the crowd, I accidentally bumped into a stranger.

"Apologies," I stammered, my eyes meeting his. He grinned, his gaze lingering a bit too long for comfort.

"No need to apologize, beautiful. I must say, you look absolutely stunning tonight," he said, his words laced with a flirtatious tone.He was handsome he had light blue eyes and black shiny hair with broad shoulder ,but somthing about him made me uncomfortable but I wanted to speak to him a little more because it was a long time i spoke to somone other then my fathere or my brother.

Blushing, I offered a polite smile. "Thank you. It's a special occasion."

His laughter echoed through the room, the sound carrying an air of carefree charisma. "Special indeed, but I must say, your presence adds an extra touch of magic."

I blushed, my gaze momentarily caught in his. "You're quite the charmer."

His smile widened, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Only for those who captivate my attention".

His laughter, smooth and self-assured, followed me as I continued through the crowd.

As I approached the gathering, my father's stern voice sliced through his trought. "Arina! Come here!" 

Startled, I turned to see my father gesturing impatiently. "Yes, Papa?





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