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As I approached the gathering, my father's stern voice sliced through his trought. "Arina! Come here!"

Startled, I turned to see my father gesturing impatiently. "Yes, Papa?".

"Remember," my father hissed, looming over me, "not a word about our family matters. No one needs to know about my methods. Smile, act like the dutiful daughter. Understood?"

I nodded, my heart pounding, unsure of what awaited me. As I reached the gathering, I locked eyes with the familiar face of the charming stranger who had flirted with me just moments ago. He stood amidst with a very hansome man and quite man, an unsettling realization dawning upon me.

As i was seeing that flirty man i didnt realize that i was staring at him for too long i was dozed out when "ahem so... Arina this is your soon to be fiance  Mr.Leonardo Ricci " my father pointed toward the handsome man ,as I laid eyes on him, a man whose reputation preceded him as a cold and ruthless figure in the mafia world, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, he exuded an air of sophistication that demanded attention. The fabric clung to his frame with a tailored precision, highlighting the strength in his shoulders and the subtle grace in his movements. The suit, a deep shade that matched the intensity in his gaze, seemed almost like a second skin—an extension of the enigmatic charisma he projected.

His piercing green eyes held a magnetic quality, a hue that seemed to shift like the depths of a forest , an involuntary "wow" escaped my lips. His presence commanded attention, his demeanor shows power and an aura of mystery that both intrigued and unnerved me.

Embarrassment flooded my cheeks, realizing that my reaction might not align with the expected composure. "Um, I... Wow. Hi," I stammered,attemting to cover what wow I meant before, extending a hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you."

His response was a chilling nod, his gaze sharp and unreadable. My heart pounded with a mixture of fear and an unexpected flutter of vulnerability, but he didnt shake my hand, asshole.

What did I even expect from this Cold Mafia Man a SHAKEHAND! SHAME ON ME.

"And meet his uncle Mr.Romeo Ricci and his son Mr. Luca Ricci"


This man is his cousin , he flirted with me a moment ago and are all the mens in there family is attractive?.

I nodded politely, my gaze momentarily locking with this flirty man from before. "Hello," I greeted, my tone attempting to mask the unease.

The uncle, a figure of authority, extended his hand. "A pleasure, Arina. I've heard much about you." Or maybe he felt bad that my soon to husband didnt shake my hand.

I managed a gracious response, my mind racing to reconcile the unexpected connection. The cousin, Luca couldn't help but interject with a knowing smile.

"Fancy meeting you here, Arina. Didn't expect to see you in such esteemed company." he then took my hand and kissed at the back of it, a shock of uneasyness spread through my body maybe because i never had this type of physical contact with anyone.

His words carried a playful edge, the flirtatious undertone lingering from our earlier encounter. I replied with a measured smile, the weight of my father's warnings still fresh in my mind.

And now when I see my soon to be husband he is now staring at me as if he is goona put dragger in my stomach what? I gave you my hand u did'nt take bro whose mistake is that?

                                                           .                          .                       .

The intricately decorated room suddenly felt more daunting as my father signaled for me to remain while he exited, leaving me alone with my soon-to-be  husband. Anxiety knotted in my stomach as the heavy door closed behind him.

The room felt suffocating , leaving me alone with my soon-to-be dangerous husband. His intense gaze roamed over me, making me acutely aware of his scrutiny.

He then roamed around me his eye drilling a hole in each part of my body or is he cheking me out? If he is checking me out cant he do in some comfortable way!!

"I'm quite impressed that Mrs, Isaac  Ivanov had such a divine piece  hidden with him"

 A shiver ran down my spine as he spoke, with a stern voice.

"Arina," he spoke, his voice very deep and telling me to just listen to him. " I think your father has informed you about our impending union. I hope you understand the gravity of this arrangement."

I nodded nervously, feeling like a small bird caught in the gaze of a formidable predator. "Yes, I... I understand."

He studied me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "You will be expected to fulfill your role without question."his words cold as steel.

I nodded, my eyes seeing everywhere esle except  him "Word...I want here in words"

"Ye...yes ,I...I understand"

Unexpectedly, in the midst of our intense converstion, he paused, his gaze subtly shifting. "You clean up nicely for these events," he remarked, his compliment carrying an indirect acknowledgment of my appearance.Did he mean I look good?

I was taken aback, the seriousness of our discussion momentarily disrupted by the unexpected words. His reputation as a stoic and calculated figure hadn't prepared me for such a comment. A sense of surprise fluttered within me, and I found myself murmuring a quiet "thank you" in response.

And then he left the room ,I released mr breathe dont know how long I had stopped breating , and then my brother entered the room.

"Wow, you look beautifull princess," he exclaimed, a genuine smile gracing his face. His words, though simple, held a warmth that resonated with me.

I couldn't help but return the smile,  "Thanks, you think so?"

"Yeah, seriously. That dress suits you perfectly, and your makeup is on point," he continued, his sincerity evident.

"So princess you met Leonardo , right? How was he? Did he tell anything mean to you?"he said with a concerned look.

"Dont worry brother he was not mean to me he was .....okay"

He signed" Lets got out princess you maybe straving let have something ,okay".

"Okay " i said because I am straving this stress I experinced last 1 hours has taken all my energy.

The Crimson Vows: The Arranged Mafia MarraigeWhere stories live. Discover now