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A week past by and today is the day for few it is a big day , for few it is a dream come true and for it is the happiest day but for me it is golden ticket to leave my father that day is MY WEDDING DAY , but that doesnt mean that I'm happy to marry this person the stories about him are insane and I even know those are not rumours , at least I will be away from my father *sign*.

"You look beautifull Madam" the same kind maid said as she looked at me through the mirror she had a proud look on her face as she was happy seeing her masterpiece.

"Thank you" I smiled..

 As I looked into the long length mirror I felt  blend of nerves and excitement as I stood there in the elegant white gown, the train cascading around me like a waterfall of dreams. The veil draped delicately over my face created a hazy filter, making everything seem surreal and dreamlike. I really do look beautifull ! 

Then suddenly papa enters and grabbed my wrist I gasped at this sudden voilent behaivior of his atleast today cant you be good to your daughter?

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Then suddenly papa enters and grabbed my wrist I gasped at this sudden voilent behaivior of his atleast today cant you be good to your daughter?

"REMEMBER! Not a word about anythig about this and no complain should come from your husband you will do was he says quitely without showing any of your bratty attitude do you understand!" he tightens the grip around my wrist but not enough to give me any scare , he is smart he has bitten mr several times in past but beat in such a way that I dont get any scares because he knew he had to use me oneday in this alliance .

"OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND ANSWER YOU BITCH" he shouted which made me startled "Ye..yess i un..un.understand" tears filled my eyes .but was controlling to not cry because it would ruine my look and that would me a trouble for the maids to redo it.

"Okay now shut up and lets go"

The air in the room felt suffocating as I walked in, pappa's demanding presence beside me.

"You better not embarrass me do you hear? Remember that this your duty" His words, laced with control and dominance, sent a chill down my spine. I nodded silently, my eyes downcast, masking the turmoil beneath.

As we made our way down the aisle, the eyes of the guests bore into us, but all I could hear was the haunting echo of my father's demands. The room, adorned with flowers and hopeful smiles, felt like a gilded cage closing in on me.

I glanced at my so called husband ,he looked dashing in his suit, a perfect match to the formality of the occasion. But he never glanced at me maybe he would be thinking me as a burden ,but who cares just a few years either he will abundon me or I will run aways but for that the main thing is I need money .

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

The officiant's words blurred into an indistinct hum as my father gave me a glare that I should not fuck things up. The vows were exchanged in a haze, each word a reminder of the sacrifice I was making.

"I take you as my lawfully wedded wife." my husband said

His response felt robotic, devoid of the joy that should accompany such a declaration.

"I take you as my lawfully wedded husband."

The guests smiled, ignorant of the unspoken plea in my eyes. My father's glare warned me against any deviation from the script.

"For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health..."

As the vows continued, I felt a suffocating realization settle over me.Even the I dont care about this marraige the auora here is suffocating .

"Till death do us part." we both said together and the finality of those words hung heavily in the air. The applause of the audience masked the silent plea for release that echoed in my heart.

As we walked back down the aisle, the weight of the wedding band on my finger felt like a shackle, and the cheers around me were a cruel reminder of the life I had just entered. My gaze remained fixed ahead, hiding the silent screams within, as the door closed behind us, sealing the fate dictated by my abusive father.







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