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The morning after my brother's comforting presence  I reluctantly peeled myself away from the warmth of my blankets. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, the sun stretched its golden fingers through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the new day ahead.  The heaviness in my chest from yesterday's turmoil seemed to have made space for a delicate sense of resilience.

With newfound strength, I rose from the bed,getting ready for the day took on a different hue, a quiet acknowledgment that I wasn't alone in facing the challenges that lay ahead.

I stood before the mirror, meeting my own gaze why am I so weak....With a sigh, I settled on an outfit — something casual, comfortable, yet hinting at a touch of effort.

The bathroom rituals felt more intentional, a cleansing not just of the night's remnants but also a symbolic washing away of the negativity that had lingered in the air

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The bathroom rituals felt more intentional, a cleansing not just of the night's remnants but also a symbolic washing away of the negativity that had lingered in the air. The water splashed against my skin felt like a gentle renewal, a promise that today held the potential for healing.

As I head down stairs  the aroma of breakfast greeted me like an old friend, I could hear the clatter of breakfast preparations in the kitchen—a deceptive symphony of normalcy against the backdrop of a fractured family. My father sat at the table, the authoritative silence he wielded like a weapon hanging in the air. My brother, a silent pillar of support, joined me in the table

"Good morning," I greeted cautiously, my voice a delicate thread in the uneasy atmosphere.

He looked up, his eye narrowing as he assessed me  "Sit down".

I took a seat, the weight of his gaze pressing down on me. My brother, sensing the tension, glanced at me with a subtle nod of encouragement.

"Sit up straight"he commanded, his eyes cutting through the room like shards of ice.

I straightened in my chair, exchanging a quick, nervous glance with my brother, who sat across from me. His eyes held a silent understanding, a shared apprehension of what was to come.

"We've secured an alliance," my father declared, his tone brooking no argument.

"Ohh and who is it" my brother asked with and emotionless face.

"Its the Italians "

"Italians? What did you offer them" my brother asked.

"Ohh what offer dont you have any idea how allains is"my father said this with a smile in his face.

My brother's expression tightened, his voice cutting through the tension. "Dad, you can't be serious.He is not the kind of person she should be involved with." he said while pointing his finger towards me.

Huh?What does it have to do with me? See my confused expression my dad "Ohh my beautifull stupid daughter doesnt know anything"

 "You will marry Leonardo Ricci, a leader of italian mafia and most influenceand powerfull man in our world."

 The weight of his words settled over the room, stifling any attempt at protest.Leonardo Ferrari-- I dont know much about him but I knaow that he is the most ruthless and cold person you will ever meet and a person who killed his own father at the age of 18. But this doesnt scare me because I myself want to kill my father , but most scary part is what if he is abusive like my father cant expect anything when he is the ruthless and the coldest person.

My father's eyes narrowed, the storm brewing in his gaze. "This alliance is crucial for our family's standing. Your sister will marry Leonardo Ricci, and that's final."

I felt a knot tighten in my stomach, the realization of my lack of agency in this decision settling heavily upon me. "Papa, please, I can't marry someone I don't love. Especially someone with Leonardo's reputation."

"Love? "His laughter cut through the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Love is a luxury, my dear. In our world, power is what matters. You will marry him, and you will bring honor to this family. End of discussion."

My brother's eyes locked with mine, a silent promise of support. "She won't be a pawn in your games, Dad. You can't force her into a life she doesn't want."

My father's face darkened, a storm of anger brewing beneath the surface. "This is not up for discussion. The decision has been made, and you will both fall in line" and then he got up from his chair "And try anything foolish like escaping if you escape your brother is dead in his hand maind that thing" and then he left.

As the room hung heavy with the weight of an inevitable fate, I couldn't help but feel the suffocating grip of circumstance tighten around me. In the clash between my brother's defiance and my father's ruthless determination, I wondered if there was any escape from the inescapable path that lay ahead.

"Hey princess, dont cry"he said while his hand wrapping around me."I do-d-dont want to marry brother i dont want to go away from you"I said while trying my best to speak.

"I'm sorry princess I failed to protect you I-i'm sorry"his hugged me tighter.

"But princess i can garantee you that he will treat you better okay he will never hit you will you still belive me"

I nodded"yes brother I belive you" then what else can I do i dont have anything to escape I am not that brave I dont want to loose my brother's life.

"Good go to your room and rest okay"

i nodded and theN went back to my room.






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