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We went to the dinner party at Isaac Ivanov the present boss of spanish mafia if you are asking why dinner party just to show off our alliance. I hadnt expected much from this alliance but one thing was running in my mine that What is my uncle and his son planning?  because if we see  this alliance is just a profit for our mafia and I dont think that serpent in tailor suit man will think any good for me . I was still thinking to grasp this situation.

"Gentleman", Isaac greeted with due respect as he should because there is a rumour about me that I kill people even they look at me , which partially very true ah feels so good to see people with all those feared and nervous expressions." We are very honored to have you here Mr. Ricci."

I stood and shook hands"Its pleasure."

"Were is Mr. Romeao and Mr. Luca"

"Ohh they will be coming in few minutes" I said to him with not so interested tone.

"Umm just a minute I will my daughter to meet you" he said as he could feel the ackwardness pressure built between us.

I just nodded and he just left then my uncle suddenly appeared and said"So.. did you meet your soon to be wife  Leonardo".

"Not yet" i said with a stern voice to show that I dont care about this alliance or this marriage which was partially true.

"Where is Luca" I said as he was not seen anywhere.

"As you know him just finding some excitment of his...ah there he is" he pointed towards him  where he was looking way too much happy to my liking , whatever it is how much ever you hate a particular person and act as if I dont care  but if that person is too much happy for your liking it still bothers.What is going on in these people head?

"Hello brother" he said with a smile , Luca is a type of person who would show all the rainbows and sunshine type of a world you would want to see , but in real he is the most cunning ,smart , shelfish and  dangerous which i dont want to admit , he is a type of a guy who would murder each and every person in the party an act of a innocent and weak role and then when he reach home he would be a maniac sent from the devils, but however he still is my uncles puppet.

"Oh my look who is there"Luca said with a little shocked expression as he was seeing behind me and when I turned my my it was a sight to see as this women who was holding Isaac's hand, her eyes were ocean blue , and they sparked more radiantly with her gorgeous red dress. Her black long hairs were straight and thick falling past her waist which was fucking weakness of mine, and her slutry lips were which could give any man in this world a fucking wet dreams and what I didnt like about her was she was staring way too much at Luca then me her face face shows a hint of surprise and fear Do they know each other?

"ahem....so Arina this is your soon to be fiance Mr. Leonardo Ricci" her father pointed towards me , as she laid her eyes on me My God this lady is a whole package of innocent and sexy but she said somthing very unexpected "wow" which was pretty shocking but it was cute I was controlling very hard to keep my straigth face , then suddenly her cheeks became very pink maybe just realised what had on mind was said out loud ."Um, I wow....hi"she stammered trying her best to cover it but one thing is that her voice is so slutry and maybe cut out for porn shit if she speaks any further my dick is just one millimeter away of getting signals.

"Nice to meet you"she extented her hand for a shake but didnt shake it as I but dont want any mountain to from in my pants especailly in this party . Fuck she is so irresistable.

"And meet his uncle Mr.Romeao Ricci and his son Mr. Luca Ricci" her father pointed towards her uncle and Luca.

My uncle shook her hand"A pleasure ,Arina. I have heard much about you."
And then my brother did the unexpected he took her hand and kissed her at the back of her hand " Fancy meeting you here, Arina. Didn't expect to see you in such esteemed company." Ohh so they have met before. And I'm pretty sure that my brother wouldn't miss the opportunity of flirting or getting in her pants but that won't be the case because in ometra (mafia) there is a rule of bloodsheet on the first night and the candidates who are virgin are only eligible for the marriage of Don so now the only question is did she flirt back?
The moment that lips of his touched her hand I felt to take that lips and peel the skin and scrub that lips with salt and then pour acid on  them, but I clamned myself and  saw Arina  to see her reaction she was still shocked and surprised ,then our eyes met then she became pale do I look that scary?
                                                     .                                   .                              .

After a hour of formal greetings  my uncle, Luca and Ivanov left the room to have a talk alone session with my wife. After they left I took a deep breath,  aware of the tension lingering between us. But that tension didnt affect me  because now I could openly check her out as much as I could I wouldnt be lying she has a body of goddess for veiwing more I walked around her to see every inch of her body ,the sight of her body has my knees weakening and my pulse racing.

"I'm quite impressed that Mrs, Isaac Ivanov had such a divine piece hidden with him" I could see her shudder at my voice probably she is scared .

"Arina,"I spoke, with very deep voice indicating her to just listen to me. " I think your father has informed you about our impending union. I hope you understand the gravity of this arrangement."

Which is true how much hot , beautifull or affect she has on me I like my wife to be mute , obedient and pretty for me because I cannot deal with any other problem.

She nodded with a evident nervousness, "Yes, I... I understand."


Her voice is pure smoke. As I told you she really has a voice that we only hear in porn videos. I suck in my bottom lip, biting back a groan.

 "You will be expected to fulfill your role without question."

Again she nodded , but I wanted to hear her voice "Words...I want here in words"

"Ye...yes ,I...I understand"

This time the signal which was far away has now reached my dick. Before I do anything further"You clean up nicely for these events," i complimented her but didnt wanted to give her any hope of any feelind and thenleft the room.






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