13. SAFE

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"jeez wife you are making me hard right now "

 As soon as he said that I stopped my movement and then looked down and saw where I was sitting.

Shit! I was literally sitting on his crotch !! And did he tell that I'm making him hard? 


As I was about to jump away from his lap , in a second he grabbed my hip and pinned my butt between his legs "Whats so hurry wife?" he wispered in my ear with a hush tone , he then bit my ears as soon he did that I bit my lip to control my moan  "Weren't you so comfortable on my lap , so comfertable that you initiated to sit on top of me ?"

Now I was literally embarassed because whatever he was telling it was true but I did that only out of anger but this dirt bag is fucking enjoying it.

"You know what , if you any other woman would have done this to me I would have slit her troat by now"

I became still a wave of fear came through my body How can I forget that this man is a freaking don of italian mafia ? Shit he is a person who even kills people for his own pleasure.

"But I will let you to do this since you are my wife. So lets go" he then lift me up and shove me on his sholder , I took a minute to process it because whatever was going on right now it's freaking very fast to analyse and when I realised  I was literally upside down and my face is faceing his fucking butt.

Should I bite it?

ewwww !

 "Wait! What are you doing ? Put me down!!" I started to hit his  back  even tried to move my  leg but it was no use he had gripped my leg so tight , he then threw me on the bed thats when I realised that I'm in his room "shut up stop acting like a child!" He yelled .

I flinched at his hash voice , all the memories of my dad flooded in my mind and i started to cry Is he going to hit me now?

"Hey hey why are you crying" he said it with a soft tone , but I dont know why after hearing that questions I started t cry even more "Okay okay stop crying If you be good I will buy the exact perl necklace to you tomorrow okay!"

 A pinch of exictement come in m body listinening to that , this man is making  my plan even more easier.

But why the hell is he doing all this I mean this is a arrange marraige and I'm sure he doesnt have any shortage of getting any girl if he wanted sex .

Sex! Fuck did he carry me here for that Shit! what do I do now ?  How could I forget that?

When I snapped out of my thoughts I see him unbuttoning his shirt WTF! "Whaa....what ar...are you do...dooing?"

"what to you mean I am going to take a shower but if I not see you here when I come out that wont be good"

UFF! "okay"

I than took a pillow and a blanket and slept in the couch which was present there "What are you doing here?" he suddenly spoke with a irritated voice  What the hell does he want now? Can't he see what am I doing? 

"Umm.. sleeping"

But then suddenly I gasped escaped from my mouth as he lifted me up in a bridal style "What the hell!" 

"Be a good wife and do what I say orelse i will take back the credit card " then he threw me on the bed , and just like that I stayed quite.

"Good girl" he wispered into my ears I gritted my teeth "Okay , now go to sleep" the he offed the lights .

 The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the moon and the he wrapped his arms around me, holding me closer in a protective cocoon. I tried to moved but that made the hold around me even tighter , I could feel his warmth against my body I dont want to say this but that warmthness just made me feel safe , then my eye felt heavy and darkness filled my world.






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