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The last human in the empire (1)

Author: I feel sleepy after I’m full Reading record

The last human in the empire

Author: Feeling sleepy after eating too much


The Imperial Center Museum has a precious collection, which is a human body that has been frozen for nearly a thousand years. On a calm and sunny afternoon, the human heartbeat magically revived and opened its eyes during the exhibition.


He Xile knew he was dead, but suddenly regained consciousness. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was in a coffin-like glass container, unable to move, surrounded by various strange creatures that were as low as two meters high.

For a moment, big eyes stared at small eyes.

He Xile: "Ah——"

Strange creatures: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." running away.jpg


A new live broadcast room quietly appeared on the empire's largest live broadcast platform. The last human "seed" in the interstellar world is playing with the camera cautiously. His hair was soft and fluffy, his eyes were gentle like glass, and his face was delicate and fair. He pursed his lips and smiled, and a small pear dimple appeared: "Hello, my name is He Xile."

The whole galaxy is boiling: "He is so small and cute. Just listening to him talk makes my heart melt! I want to spend money for him!!!"

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but after watching his live broadcast, I feel full of strength and my spirit has improved. It's reasonable to suspect that he has "healing" ability."

"Are you an adult? Do you have a spouse? I am an Imperial Admiral, can I do that?"

His Imperial Majesty: "Sorry, it's mine."

Key Points: 1v1, slow to warm up, attack with octopus gene, don’t enter if you don’t mind. How happy (le), peace and joy.

The redemption of group pets, this is my first time writing a group pet, so please bear with me if I don’t write it well. Everything about the interstellar society is made up. After all, I have never lived there. Just watch it and don’t do any research. Thank you QUQ

Content tags: fantasy space, sweet article, future fantasy, live broadcast

Search keywords: Protagonist: He Xile | Supporting role: Wen Jiyu | Others: Pre-collection of "I Just Want to Be a Salted Fish" ball collection

One sentence introduction: The museum collection has opened its eyes!

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When He Xile opened his eyes, he found that he had become a museum collection, surrounded by various strange creatures that were as low as two meters high, and he became the last precious human being in the empire. Just make peace with what you have come, He Xile packed himself into the residence of his guardian Wen Jiyu, and actively integrated into this new and beautiful world, but little did he know that a conspiracy had just begun. The writing style of this article is concise and smooth, the story setting is refreshing, the plot is vivid, and the emotions are full of emotions, which can easily arouse the resonance of readers. The full text tells the wonderful journey of the protagonist He Xile after entering the empire. It is a novel worth reading.

Chapter 1

He Xile was in a daze when he heard a burst of noise.

"Students please line up to visit in an orderly manner and avoid crowding."

"What is displayed in front of us now is a very precious and well-preserved human body from the blue planet, and it is also the only human sample so far."

"This human named Lan Lan is a male. Some experts say that he should have been underage when he lost consciousness and his body was frozen. Ten years ago, he was accidentally discovered by scavengers from the old star and sold to the star. It was stolen and passed through many hands during this period. Fortunately, everyone realized its preciousness and no damage was caused. In the end, Lanlan was bought by our Majesty anonymously at a high price on the black market, and then donated to the Empire Center Museum for exhibition."

"Come on, you can clearly see that this human being is different from us. He has delicate features and delicate skin. His body has no secondary characteristics, and his height is only two-thirds of ours. Hey, Hank, don't use it. You slap your paws on the display cabinet, don’t you know your tonnage!”

"Wow, he looks good."

"I wonder how this human feels to the touch..."

There were voices speaking from all directions, but He Xile couldn't understand a word. Those movements were transmitted into his brain and could not be correctly analyzed and translated. He could only hear a strange and vague noise.

The dull sound of "dong dong dong" was like the earth shaking, but soon it stopped abruptly with a sharp sound that could break through the air.

In front of the display cabinet.

The student formerly known as Hank snorted in disbelief. He is nearly three meters tall and has a relatively strong build, but there are two small, curled-up ears like a hippopotamus standing on top of his head. He looks strangely cute.

He waved his arm slowly: "Teacher, isn't the display cabinet made of the newly developed synthetic alpha metal? I'm sure it won't break if I move it."

The teacher who was named looked helpless: "That also requires more attention..."

On the side, a tall and thin man with a slender neck sneered. It was obvious that he was not dealing with Hank. He folded his arms and said, "Some creatures are noisy inherited from their genes, and they can't change it in this life. You can't change it either." Don’t be afraid that this human being will be awakened by your movements and get up to eat you. I have read literature records in this regard. Human beings on the blue planet dare to eat anything.”

Hank said disdainfully: "He has been sleeping for hundreds or thousands of years, and he can still wake up? Your child's tricks won't work on me. How about it? Do you want to try my bite force next to him?"

……It's noisy.

It's just too noisy around here.

He Xile wanted very much to open his eyes and see what was going on around him, where he was, and why there were so many strange noises, but his eyelids were heavy and his whole body felt like a ghost pressing down on the bed, unable to move at all.

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