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256 Literature  >  Fantasy Science Fiction > The Last Human in the Empire

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The last human in the empire (2)

Author: I feel sleepy after I’m full Reading record

When the noise around him became louder and louder, He Xile finally regained some of his strength.

His long eyelashes as thick as crow feathers trembled, and his eyelids finally obeyed the command of his brain and slowly opened.

The beautiful glass-like pupils dilated and contracted slightly.

The surrounding environment was dim.

The reflection from nowhere made He Xile instantly realize that he was in a transparent glass container, and around the container were a group of humans at least two meters tall.

Those loud noises disappeared instantly.

The humans in front of them all seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. They all froze in place, their eyes widened and their mouths slightly opened.

They are so tall...

Is it the magnifying effect of the mirror?

This was He Xile's first thought.

No, they seem to be different from normal humans.

This was He Xile's second thought.

He didn't believe his eyes, and because of his physical weakness, he could only move a little bit, so he didn't move his body, and only looked at these... strange humans around him slowly.

They are said to be human, but there is something about them that is clearly not human.

For example, the person who is closer has two ears on both sides, and a pair of slightly curled ears on the top of his head, no bigger than a palm. At this time, the small ears are still shaking rapidly, as fast as an electric motor;

The person standing next to him had an entire arm made of metal. The size was exaggerated and could almost accommodate a seven or eight-year-old child. It looked very uncoordinated, and I didn’t know how he stood upright.

As for the one further away, his body is still in place, but his slender neck stretches out from between the people. The ears are not ears, but two small transparent wings, as thin as cicada wings.

...Are you dreaming?

He Xile looked confused.

He subconsciously raised an arm with great effort and touched the transparent glass cover in front of him.


The man in front of him, who looked similar to a human but had a pair of strange little ears on his head, burped loudly, and almost in the blink of an eye, he turned into a weird, hairy creature.


This man is deformed! ? It also turned into a weird creature that He Xile had never seen before!

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