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256 Literature  >  Fantasy Science Fiction > The Last Human in the Empire

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Traditional Chinese




The last human in the empire (11)

Author: I feel sleepy after I’m full Reading record

After getting up, He Xile went to wash up.

The sink is a bit high.

He Xile looked around, moved a wooden pillar for decoration next to the green plants, stepped on it, and then he could see himself in the mirror.

He still looks the same as he did on Earth.

She has soft black hair, and her skin is inherited from her mother. It looks a bit too fair. Her face is firm and her pores are very small. Her complexion is rosier than before on earth, and she looks much healthier.

His eyelashes are long and thick, his pupils are not brown, but a relatively rare green with a little orange mixed in. His chin is not pointed, with a little flesh, and he looks like he has a little baby fat. It is also because of this that He Xile was always mistaken as a minor before.

Stretching out his hand and tapping his own reflection in the mirror with his fingertips, He Xile said, "Now that I'm alive again, let's live a good life."

The mouthwash cup required both hands to hold, and the toothbrush was very large and hard. He Xile was weak and his hands got tired after lifting them for a while, so he had to use another hand to continue. There was no obstacle to washing my face, but the long sleeves would always slide down my thin arms. After a while, the cuffs were stained with water, which was heavy and cool.

He Xile picked up his sleeve and looked at it, frowning.

——It can’t always be like this, we have to find a way.

After washing, He Xile left the wooden pillar in place for next time.

He picked out a set of clothes for going out and went straight to the door.

After forcefully opening the door, sure enough, there was a guard standing straight outside the door. It was the man whose second characteristic He Xile couldn't find yesterday.

Before He Xile could speak, the guard heard the movement first and saw him appear, and immediately saluted: "Your Excellency He Xile, you are awake. Do you want to eat now?"

Probably due to the extinction of human beings, although the Chinese language was included in the terminal with the discovery of the earth, it was not completely accurate, so occasionally the vocabulary translated by the temporary terminal was very strange.

Some are modern and some are more archaic.

But He Xile understood it all.

He nodded: "Okay, but..."

He Xile looked up at the guard. He raised the clothes in his hands and said sincerely, "These are the regular clothes I took out from the closet. Can I cut off the sleeves and trouser legs? They are too long. ,very inconvenient."

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