BOOK 5. This is mainly a love story following the couple through their first meeting and going on to finding out about each other, they survive a few difficult situations and have to deal with other problems along the way. Crime, violence, becaus...
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Yezun had left the laboratory as soon as the message had arrived. The lunatic was moving his force of 100 men towards the working doorway with the intention of invading the mountain stronghold of Black Robe and Zhao Yunlan. He had left no one behind, this is the fight that the mad doctor had been playing over and over in his mind since the death of his brother. Yezun took as many of his agents that could be spared from the situation at the laboratory, hoping to cut down the numbers that his brother would be facing, unaware that he was still unconscious and it would only be the five humans facing the lunatic's army.
The mountain was in darkness after the sun had gone down, and the glow of the cave was highly visible, like a large beacon in the darkness. If the enemy came now, they would have no problems in finding them, as easy as X marks the spot. The heat from inside the cave had forced everyone to gradually increase their distance further away, as it leaked through every crack in the rocks and Yunlan was worried that the side effects of the power transfer might kill them quicker than the approaching battle. He checked his watch, the guards were bright orange, the same colour as the insides of the walls and he could not longer see Shen Wei who was completely covered by the dark purple clouds which seemed to be increasing in colour depth. He had to trust the guards but it didn't stop him from worrying.
Chu brought him a cup of coffee and sat down to talk.
"How are you feeling?" he asked Yunlan, mainly to start a conversation.
"Tired, confused, worried, puzzled, pick one and we'll discuss."
"OK, let's start with puzzled, explain that one." Chu said , feeling like a therapist.
"What is the kneeling thing, the guards did it as well, I understand that there has been a change,but this..."
"It's difficult to put into words without you thinking we're strange."
"Chu, strange is walking around with a whip wrapped around one arm and a hologram strappedto the other while you are able to light a cigarette from 10 feet away. Nothing is strangeanymore. Let me introduce you to Kunlun, my mobile hologram, please come out and say hellofor one minute."
Chu glanced over at the watch which glowed green and a small figure appeared and spoke politely to him.
"Good evening Chu. I've been trying to figure out how to boost the strength in your strings butso far zilch, I'll keep trying."
Kunlun faded slowly and disappeared back into the dial of the watch, leaving Chu still staring after he was gone. Yunlan waved his hand in front of Chu's face to break hi eye contact and snap him back to reality.
"Chu, the kneeling thing?"
"Yes, sorry. This mountain is where your heritage started, there is a link to the original person who was called Kunlun, the details are more accurate in one of your history books. Your family line has a strong connection to him, that's why the mountain protected you, it considers you family. You have inherited some of Kunlun's skills which means, medically part of his DNA, and we respect that part, even if it is strands."