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Christian POV

When I saw her in that gown, I was mesmerized. She was looking so so good. After escaping from the embarrassing moment, Lucas and I sat on the lawn. 

"So she was looking like an angel, descends from heaven." Lucas tease me.

"Shut up." I warn him.

"Tell me seriously. And honestly. Are you happy?" He asks seriously.

"What does that mean?"

"Are you happy after marrying her? Are you able to move on? Are you taking this marriage relation seriously?" He ask.

"I don't know, to be honest. I agree, marrying her was a irrational decision. But, I can't go back in past. Right?" I say honestly.

"This was not my question." He says.

I sigh, I can't hide anything from him. "I am trying to know her, she is mysterious. Sometime, I feel a connection with her. But, she is trying to maintain distance between us. It's complicated."

"I think you both have to work on this. Together." 

"I don't know what to do? I can't start any conversation with her. Yesterday, she even got angry on me when I mention her parents" I say. Lucas knows me inside out. I can share anything with him. Even, my deepest, darkest secrets. 

"She got angry because you mention her parents. Why?"

"I don't know. But, when she told me, she was angry. But, I could see pain in her eyes." 


"Yeah. Her breathing got heavy. Her face went pale. Plus, her eyes, there was pain in them. She was hurt." I tell him, remembering last night.

"May be she went through something." Lucas reasons.

"She told that her parents abandon her. They left her when she was 13."

"That's a traumatic past. Think about it, at the age of 13, puberty, there are many changes in the body, the time you need your parents to understand, support and guide you. Her parents left her. She had no one to rely on, lean on or guide her." Lucas says.

"Wow. When did you became so smart?" I say him.

"Well, my wife is a doctor, fyi." He says.

"So, she teaches you life lessons." I say.

"No, she teaches me empathy. Look, there is a reason for everything. There might be a reason for her to get so angry."

"So, you are telling she is hiding something?"

"Maybe. Only she can answer this question. But, for that to happen, she should trust you to open up to you. She should know that you there for her, even in her worst and vulnerable time."

"You are telling me to have a relation with her? Like I had with Emma"

"NO. Maybe. And not every relationship should be romantic. All I am asking you to be friend with her. Tell her, she has someone, now, whom she can rely on." He says. "Plus, you are the reason why she is here."

"I must tell, being with Summer was the best decision you ever took. You became so smart." I tease him. 

"Is it a compliment or insult?" 

"Both." I answered.

"Very funny. Haha. See you later, at event." He says and leave.

Lucas is right. I can't judge her, I don't know about her past. All I can do is to make her comfortable. Make her feel that she is not alone. Be her friend. I was in deep thoughts, when my phone rang with a text notification. I read the message. An idea came on my mind.

I was getting ready for the event. Ryan Brown, my friend, whose family owns the biggest fashion brand. Like me, he is also in line to inherit his father position as chairman of B brand. This exhibition is held to showcase, their new 'Wedding Series', with Ryan leading this project.

I am wearing a navy blue customized suit. I was adjusting the coat of the suit, when Jane came out, wearing a navy blue evening dress. She look nice. She sees me. Then, she looks at her dress. And again look at me. I did the same, look at her, look at the  suit and then look at her. It took me a minute to recognize that we both are wearing same color. We are twinning. We did not  even talked about it. It's unbelievable. I think, she is thinking the same. She adjusted her earrings, kept her phone inside the clutch and leave the room. I adjusted the suit and leave the room.

We came downstairs, mom and dad were talking. When they saw us, descend the stairs, a smile appeared on their faces. "Wow. Did you discussed to twin with each other?" Mom asks in a teasing way.

"NO." Jane says. "We both didn't knew, what the other was going to wear."

"I must tell, you guys are going in right direction." Mom says, "Let's go, Brandon. They will come in other car." Stella says and leave along with her husband Brandon.

Jane and Christian also leave for the event. They reached the venue. Outside the venue, on the red carpet, many influential and powerful government member, famous celebrities, businessmen and many VIPs, were walking. 

Christian parked his car in the parking lot. Jane was walking, when I saw trips. She was about to fall, I caught her, immediately. She looks at me. There was brief eye contact moment. I help her steady. She starts to walk again, after taking few steps, she trips again. I catch her again.

"Are you sick?" I ask her.


"Then, why are tripping? Can't you walk steadily?"

"I can't walk, because of these stupid heels." She says with annoyance.

Heels? I look at her feet, she was wearing high heels. Of course, heels.

"Who told you to wear such high heels?" I ask her. If she can't manage to walk in heels, she should not wear them. She should be comfortable in what she wear.

"No one. It's okay, I will manage some way." She says and walk. She really can't walk like this, she will definitely lose her balance and will fall. I sigh.

I walk towards her, grab her hand. She turns her face to look at me. I place her hand on my forearm, to support her. I start to walk, Jane on my side. 

At the red carpet, media clicked so many photos. Jane and I, smiled and gave pose. Even inside the venue, Jane's right hand was holding my left forearms. We greeted everyone at the venue. She was walking along side me, not leaving me. I had quick chat with everyone, she was listening, patiently. But, I know, she was getting bored.

Ryan's father William Brown, goes on stage, with mic on his hand, "Good Evening everyone. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for attending today's exhibition. Tonight, is very proud moment for me. As this project, is lead by my son, Ryan. I feel immensely proud of you son." Everyone applauds. "Making it short, I would like everyone to enjoy the exhibit. Thank you. Have a great night."

The exhibition started, everyone were admiring the jewelry that were displayed. I asked Jane to go and look at the display, while I have a chat with others businessmen. I used to look at her from time to time. Maybe, because it's her first time to attend exhibition like this. Mom told me that she has never attended exhibition like this. She was looking at a exhibit with curiosity. Does she like that display?

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