➳ Chapter 2

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➳ Chapter 2

"Mom!" He yelled from his bedroom.

"What Cameron?" She asked her teenage son, coming into his room and taking his dirty laundry out of the room before coming back in.

"I was wondering if I cou-" He started to say but soon got cut off by her.

"Can we please continue this conversation in the laundry room? I need to wash you and Sierra's clothes." She said as she walked away from her son.

"Of course." Cameron mumbled, getting up and following her down the stairs and into the laundry room.

As she began to put in the clothes, he began to speak again.

"So, I was wondering if I could maybe go to Nash's house for spring break or something like that." He said with hope evident in his voice.

"Sure, why not? I bet that he would love to see you. You guys haven't seen each other in about a year now." She said with a smile plastered on her face, bringing one to his as well.

He then developed her into a big bear hug, giving her kisses all over her face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you!" He said before letting her go while she just chuckled at his behavior.

"Did you talk to Nash about this already and Elizabeth?" She asked him, re-turning to her laundry.

"Actually, I would be with Chad," He said in a matter-of-fact one of voice. "And yes, I have. Nash was actually the one to bring it up."

"Okay. I advise that you call them now and let them know that you are coming for sure. Then, you should get your plane ticket while its not too expensive because the longer that you wait the higher the price will go." She informed.

"Okie Dokie," He said in a little kid voice. "Wait, where's Sierra?" I asked.

"She went to some building on South Avenue. She said that she was going to be talking to depressed people. Its like a suicide hotline, I think." She said.

"Oh, um, okay?" Cameron asked more then he said.

"Don't ask me because I honestly don't know." She said, shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders.

"Okay, well I'm going to go get something from Johnny's Dogs. Want anything while I'm out?" He asked.

"No thank you, honey. Be back before dark, please." She kisses his cheek.

"Will do." He said, getting his car keys and starting to head to his navy blue jeep.

He turned up the music as he began to drive down the street. The song
'Energy' by Drake came on and Cameron started to rap along to it.

"I got enemies, got a lot of enemies, got a lot of people trynna drain me out this energy. Trynna take the way from a-"  He said, bleeping out the one word and continuing to rap.

After a few minutes, he reached Johnny's Dogs'. Cameron was about to get out of my car to go inside and order when he saw someone. Someone very familiar. It was his sister's best friend, Anna. She wasn't alone though. Instead his sister's boyfriend, Drew, was sucking faces with her.

Cameron quickly took out his iphone and went to his camera, taking pictures so that he could show Sierra. He rolled down his window and began to re-start his ignition.

"Hey, Anna and Drew!" He shouted to them in a fake cheerful voice.

They both pulled away, quickly and turned to see who called them. When they saw that it was their close friend's little brother they both went wide eyed and their faces grew worried and petrified by the second.

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