Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Point of View

" Who was the hottie with the body back there? " Madison asked, smiling widely as we got into my car.

" I don't know, but hot zayum. " I said.

" He seemed interested in you. You guys literally stared at each other for a good 3 minutes. " She said, giggling.

" 3 minutes? Nah, it wasn't that long. Anyways, I like Nash. " I said which was partially true.

Nash is cute, nice, and all, but I honestly feel like this thing between isn't going to last forever.

" You should have gotten his number or something like that. He was hot and interested. Not only that, but you guys would be cute together. I ship it even though we will most likely never see him again, I ship it! " She gushed, moving her hands around to express herself, making me laugh.

" Whatever you say, Mads. " I said as I left the parking lot of Starbucks.

" Is it alright if we go to Taco Bell? I'm quite hungry and I'll pay for you this time. " She said.

" Sure, why not? " I shrugged, making a U turn to go to Taco Bell.

" YAS! " She screamed, making me jump a little.

" Calm the fuck down, dude. " I said, turning up the radio.

I stopped as a red light came up. The song 'Ex's and Oh's' by Elle King coming on. Madison and I looked at each other and began to sing.

" Ex's and Oh's, they haunt me like ghost. " We sang, more like shouted.

I turned my eyes back to the road, the light turning green. I pressed my foot down on the gas pedal and rolled down our windows. I mentally thanked God that I had my hair in a high ponytail, because the wind was going absolutely crazy. I took a right turn and headed into the parking lot. I parked the car, getting out with Madison. I always got out when it comes to restaurants and stuff for some reason. I guess that I just don't like the drive throughs.

" I have to pre really badly now. " I said, laughing to Madison as we walked into Taco Bell.

" You can go to the restroom. I already know what your order is. " She said.

" Great. Thanks, babe! " I said and ran to the bathroom as if I were a track star trying to reach the finish line.

I went into the big stall and did my business.

I never understood why they call it 'business'. Like, your not working or anything, your just using the restroom. Whatever.

The song 'Hideaway' by Daya comes on the radio and I quietly hum to the song. I flushed the toilet and washed my hand. Surprisingly, the soap that they had in here smelt good and made my hands soft afterwards. I left and met up with Madison who was over by the cashier, paying for our food.

" Hey, I got it for here. Hope you don't mind. " She said, smiling slightly nervously.

" No, that's fine with me. " I said, smiling, making her smile genuine this time.

" Here's y'alls food. " The older man said, giving us our food.

" Thank you. " Madison and I said at the same exact time, laughing.

The old guy just rolled his eyes.

" Rude. " I said loud enough for him to hear, taking our food, and walking towards a table.

I sat down and opened up my Nacho Cheese Supreme Taco. I took a big bite and smiled.

" This is so good. I haven't had Taco Bell in like two weeks. Which isn't that long, but it feels like it's been years. " I said, Madi and I laughing.

The bell of the door went off, meaning someone has entered the building. I look up to see who it was out of curiosity and my eyes widened with shock.

" Oh my god. It's him! " Madison shouted.

I quickly shushed her.

" Your loud. " I said, sternly.

" Oops. Sorry! " She said sheepishly.

I turned my attention back to the boy. He was pretty tall, taller than me which didn't take much since I'm only 5'4. He had brown hair that was in what looked like a messy quiff, but it looked great on him. He had a pretty nice jawline along with back muscles. He was wearing a tight white shirt with a pair of black joggers. He was quite the hottie if I were to say so myself.

" Jenna! " Madison yelled, slapping my arm, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to her, raising an eyebrow and rubbing my now red arm as she chuckled.

" I called your name about 10 times, but you were too busy looking at the cutie. " She said.

" Oh. " I mumbled, a blush appearing on my cheeks.

" Truth or dare? " She asked me.

" What? " I asked, confused.

" Just pick one. " She said.

" Um, truth? " I said, more questioned.

" Do you think that the boy up there is hot? " She asked.

I nodded my head.

" Great! Now as your best friend, I dare you to go up there and talk to him. " She smirked.

" But I didn't pick dare. " I said.

" I picked it for you. " She said.

" I don't want to. " I said.

" Well then I'll force you to. " She said, pulling her phone.

" And how will you do that? " I asked, laughing, stopping when she showed me what was on her phone.

My eighth grade year book photo.

" How did you get that? " I snarled at her.

" Just go and get his number and no one gets hurt. " She said.

" I can't go up and talk to him, my breathe probably smells bad. That's not attractive at all. " I said, thinking that I found a way out of this.

" Here, now go. " She said, giving me one of those chewable mint things.

I sighed, getting up, and walking over to the boy. I hesitantly tapped his shoulder as he waited for his food.

He turned to me, my breath being taken away as I got to see his face up close.

" God damn. " I whispered.

Sorry for the late update. I'm having some bad writers block so I'm sorry if this chapter sucks.

Anyways, how are you guys doing?

I want to thank you all for 22k reads, it means so much to me! Love you all, bye babes!! ❤️

Remember you can message me whenever you want to :)

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