Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Point of View

I woke up, memories of last night coming back to me. Nash and I just stayed home, watching The Vampire Diaries. I'm pretty sure that I got him into it. He left around 11:45 and I went to bed. Nash tried to kiss me, but I didn't let him. I didn't want him to, because I don't think that I like him that much. I think that I like his best friend, Cameron.

God, this is horrible. I'm horrible.

I got up from my bed and went to go take a shower. I got in the shower and scrubbed my body, cleaning myself. I rinsed out my shampoo and conditioner, finishing off by shaving my legs and arms pits. I get out and dry off, getting into a sports bra, a muscle tee on top of it. I then put on a pair of gymnastics/ dance shorts. I put my damp hair into a bun and went up to my escape as I like to call it. I turned on some music, just starting to warm up.

" Hey! " I heard Cameron say.

I turned around and smiled at him as he walked into the room.

" Let's stretch first and then we'll
begin. " I said, Cameron nodding in agreement.

We did the stretches and then got more serious, both ready for the lesson today.

" Ok, so today we're going to add more hips and leg movement in this song, " I said, the introduction of the song playing. " Watch first and then we'll go over it. " I instructed as the verse began to play.

As the song Know Ya by Ty Dolla Sign featuring Trey Songz was playing, my body was moving. I watched myself intensely through the mirror as I danced. A good dancer watches themselves so that they can catch their mistakes and fix them. I put my arms out to each side of me, my body moving downward.

" What's your name? Shit! Forgot to ask her. This generation hella backwards. " Trey Songz sang.

" Ok, and that's what your going to be learning today. " I said to Cameron, a bit of sweat leaking from my forehead.

" Looks cool. " He smiled.

" Alright, let's get started, " I said, Cameron stepping up next to me.
" First your going to start by moving your left side. Your hips and legs will be moving, your foot going up and down. " I said, showing Cameron.

Cameron did as I said each time and he was a fast learner I must say.

" Step, cross, body roll, cross. " I said to Cameron as I showed him what to do.

He did the same thing adding a bit of his own flare which was incredibly attractive. As he danced his jaw would tense up at certain times, his face was a bit sweaty, his eyes were darker and were full of life, he made facial expressions, and he was just so attractive.

" Like that? " He asked after he did the dance move, making me smile and nod my head yes.

" Lastly, your going to end it with a chest pop and then your going to bring your hands to your sides. " I said, demonstrating.

" Ok, I got this. Now let's try it at full speed! " He said excitedly.

I smiled at him and nodded my head. I couldn't stop smiling around him and it was kind of annoying. I restarted the song, waiting for the part we dance to come on. As it did, Cameron and I did the dance moves that I had showed him. Once we finished Cameron looked at me with a hug smile on his face like he had yesterday.

" God, I love this adrenaline that's running throughout me! " He said, his breathe a bit uneven from all the moving we've done.

" It's a great feeling. " I nodded.

" Let's go get food again. " He said, making me laugh.

" As long as you pay. " I smiled.

" Sounds good to me. " He said, the both of us walking out to his car like we had yesterday.

" Did Nash ever beat you up
yesterday? " I asked him as we got in the car.

" Nah. " He said.

" Lucky you then. " I said.

" How was your date? " He asked, his jaw clenching a little.

" The dumbass came twenty minutes late, because he was watching football. I told him that I wasn't going out anymore so we just watched The Vampire Diaries. " I shrugged.

" The Vampire Diaries? Dude, I love that show! What season are you on? " He asked me.

" Um, season 5, you? " I stared at him in complete awe.

" Season 4. " He slightly frowned, playing around.

" Haha. I'm on season 5 while your on season 4. " I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

" Whatever, " He said, sticking his tongue back out at me. " Where do you want to eat? " He asked, changing the subject after a few seconds.

" I picked yesterday, you can pick today. " I said.

" How about Panera? " He asked.

" Yeah. That actually sounds pretty good right now. " I said.

" Panera it is! " He said as he drove to Panera.

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