Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Point of View

" We should go and stop by Jenna's house. " I said to Madison as we were ending our date.

" Yeah, she hasn't been answering my calls and I want to tell her all about our date. " She said with a smile on her adorable face.

" Ok, we'll go there then. " I said, taking a left to get to her house.

I turned up the radio, Madison laughing as the song 'Anaconda' by Nicki Minaj came on.

" My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't, my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, Hun. " I said, smirking at Madison.

Minutes later we pulled up into Jenna's drive way. I got out of the car, and knocked on Jenna's front door, Madison right next to me.

I knocked on the door again, still no answer from her.

" She's probably watching Netflix right now with the volume on full blast. Just try the door. She often keeps it unlocked. " Madi suggested.

I turned the handle on the door knob, the door opening up. Madison and I both looked at each other, walking into the house. I looked around the first floor, not seeing anyone. I didn't hear anything either.

" I'll look on the second floor, you check the third. " Madison said, jogging up the stairs in a panic.

I jogged up to the third floor, entering her room. I noticed that her bathroom light was on and the door was slightly opened. I made my way over to the door, opening it. I winced at what I saw. Jenna was on the floor, eyes closed, blood all over her legs, arms, stomach, just everywhere. My breathing got heavy as I went down next to her, seeing if she had a pulse in her body still. I looked at her chest, hearing a faint noise. I looked at her right hand and saw a razor covered in blood.

I knew that she wasn't carving things into trees. She was carving things into herself.

" Madison! I found her! " I yelled, grabbing my phone, calling the ambulance.

Madison met my side and tears started to sting in her eyes right away.

" Oh my god. What happened? " She cried.

I put my arms around her, trying to comfort her as I dialed the number, waiting for someone to pick up.

" I need someone to come to Jenna Adams' house, " Everyone, and I mean everyone, knew who she was and where she lived. " She is unconscious and has a lot of blood leaking out of her. I already checked her pulse and its very faint, but still there. " I said.

" Someone will be there in 10 minutes. While your waiting I need you to tell me what happened, sir. " The lady said through the phone.

" I don't really know. I think that she passed out from cutting to deep. " I hesitantly said.

" Cutting? Jenna? " The lady asked.

" I'm sorry ma'am. I really don't know, but she has a razor in her hand so that's what I'm assuming. " I said.

I could hear the sound of sirens in a distance.

" Get her outside, please. " The lady said.

" Will do. Thank you for all your help, bye. " said, hanging up on the phone and putting it back in my pocket.

" She said to get Jenna outside. " I said to Madison as I began to move so that I could pick up Jenna.

Her body was limp, pale, and vey lite. I looked a her and wanted to throw up, because of the condition she was in.

" I can't believe that she would do this to herself. " Madison said, trying to wipe away her tears.

I carefully walked down the stairs, carrying Jenna bridal style. When I walked outside, the ambulance was pulling up. Three men and a women with a stretcher got out of the car admittedly, rushing over to us. A man took Jenna away from me and I was a bit mad at first, but I knew that it was for the best.

" Hello there. Thank you for calling us. We're gong to take good care of your friend here, but first I need to ask you guys a few questions. Also, I need someone to sign this paper saying that you give us permission to take her into our care. " The man said.

I took the paper and pen, signing my name, and giving it back to him with a small smile.

" What happened? " The man asked, taking out another piece of paper, getting ready to write down our response.

" I was on a date with this lovely lady right here, " I started to say, looking at Madison with a smile. " And we decided to stop by our friend Jenna's house so we could tell her how it went since she was the one who got us together. We knocked on the door and there was no answer so we walked in since usually leaves the unlocked. I got upstairs and found her lying unconscious in her bathroom with blood all over her and a razor in her right hand. I admittedly called the ambulance for help. " I said, Madison nodding her head.

" Are her parents around? " The man asked.

" No, they never are. They always are leaving her home alone, because of their jobs. They are always on business trips. " I said.

" Ok, thank you for the information. If you know their number please contact them and if you can then please make your way to the hospital. " The man said as they put Jenna in the back of the car.

" Will do. " I said as the man nodded his head, walking away.

" To the hospital. " I said to Madison as the ambulance strolled down the street.

We got back into my car, speeding down the highway to the hospital.

" Can you grab my phone and dial Amber Adams on there? " I asked Madi.

She nodded her head, grabbing my phone, getting the number.

I took the phone from her, one hand on the wheel as I waited for her mother to pick up.

" Jack, what a surprise to get a call from you. How are you dear? " She asked me.

Although her parents weren't home a lot they still know who I am. They also know that Jenna and I broke up.

" Not so well and your daughter is doing even worse than I am. " I said.

" What do you mean? " She asked.

" Jenna is currently speeding down the highway in the back of an ambulance. " I franticly said.

" What? Why? Jack, what happened to my little girl?! " Amber practically yelled.

" I don't really know for sure, but I found her in the bathroom with blood all over her and unconscious. " I said.

" Oh my god. Derrick and I will be on the next plane to North Carolina. Keep me updated and keep my baby safe. " She wailed.

" Will do, Mrs. Adams. " I said, hanging up the phone, putting two hands back on the wheel.

Madison and I made it to the hospital getting out, and rushing in.

" We're looking for Jenna Adams. " I said to the lady at the counter.

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