Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Point of View

" Princess? " Cameron asked.

" That's me, although I don't think that I deserve that name anymore. " I sighed, the tears drying up some.

" What's up, baby? " He asked.

" I'm sorry. " I apologized.

" For what? " He questioned yet again.

" I'm sorry for being a bitch to you the other night. The guy who I thought loved me doesn't. Love fucking sucks ass. " I cried.

" Don't cry, it's ok. I know that you didn't mean it. Anyways, I said somethings myself that I should be apologizing for, so I'm sorry. I was just pissed and I didn't mean it. Well, not all of it. " He said, his voice kind of shaky as if he had been crying himself.

" I except your apology. " I laughed a little.

" Now tell me what happened with this other guy. " He said.

" I told him that I love him and he told me that he loves someone else and God Cameron, you don't know how badly that feels. " I said, tears spilling down my face again.

" No, but I do know how badly it feels for the person who said that they love someone else. " He sighed.

" Why? What happened between you and the other girl? " I asked, just now remembering that he said that he liked me and another girl.

" It was basically what happened to you, except I said that I love someone  else. I was the heartbreaker. " He said.

" Well who do you love? " I asked him curiously.

" I don't know her name. " He said.

" It's princess. " I laughed.

" Yeah, it's you, princess. " He said, making my heart beat faster.

I was about to speak when someone else's voice came on the phone.

" Hey, Cameron. Is she ok? " A familiar voice asked.

" Nash, I'm on the phone and yeah Jenna is ok. " He said, my eyes widening.

I quickly clicked end call and I sat there frozen.


I quickly got out of the hospital bed as I tried to make sense of what I just heard. I grabbed my phone and put on my clothes. weakly walking out of the hospital room. I looked left and right, trying to get out. I went right and down the stairs while I was typing on my phone.

J: Your in North Carolina right now, right?

I texted Cameron.

C: Yes, why? Also, why did you hang up on me?

J: I had to talk to someone. Anyways, go to the huge hill that Jenna brought you to before.

C: How do you know about that and why?

J: Just go there and it will all make sense.

I put my phone back in my pocket as I walked outside, fresh air hitting my face. I walked over and got my car keys out of my jacket, my spare car coming into view.

Since I was always at the hospital I kept one of my cars here.

I hopped into it and sped off into the night, trying to get to the cliff as fast as I possibly could.

I was about to get some damn answers and I didn't know if I was going to like them or not.

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