Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Point of View

" Bye, guys! " Jenna shouted with a huge beautiful smile on her face as Nash and I left her house.

The Jack's had already left and Madison was staying at Jenna's house so Nash and I were the only ones left.

I got into Nash's truck and buckled up, turning up the music on the radio. I looked at Nash and saw that his hands were tightly clenched onto the steering wheel.

" Bro, you all good? " I asked as he drove off.

" Just fine. " He said.

" Seriously, what' up? " I asked him with seriousness in my voice, turning down the music since it was quite loud.

" I don't know. It probably has something to do with the fact that my best friend was flirting with my girlfriend all day. " He said, still looking at the road.

" Dude, I wasn't fli-" I started, but got cut off by him.

" Oh, so staring at my girl the whole time isn't flirting? You were playing around with her in the pool. You were touching her by the waist and shit, which you have no right to, because you not her boyfriend. I am! " He said.

" You treat her like shit, Nash. You basically told her to get out of your house last night without a ride. She was drunk, cold, and didn't have a car. How stupid are you? You could've at least walked her out, but you didn't even have the decency to that. I drove her home last night, because you didn't. She was quite pissed about it too, but guess what? She was all smiles when she was with me. So way to go, Nash! " I said, smiling sarcastically at him.

He had then pulled into the driveway and got out of the car, leaving me behind. I got out too and walked towards him. Nash then turned around swung at me, his fist connecting to my shoulder, making me laugh even though it did hurt a bit. I then lifted my right arm and swung at his nose, my fist connecting to it, making a crunching noise which honestly made me cringe. Blood started pouring out of his nose and he looked at me with anger and shock. I was a bit shocked too at myself.

Nash and I had never in all of our 3 years of friendship fought like this. And it was all over a girl too. Damn, this will be a great story to tell our children and grandchildren when we get older.

I looked at Nash's nose again, blood still flowing out of it. His nose was even a but crooked.

" I am so sorry. " I apologized, Nash laughing, putting his hand on my shoulder.

" It's fine. That was quite stupid of both of us anyways. Let's go to the hospital to get this thing checked out. " He said, getting inside the car again.

I smiled and got back inside the car too, but this time Nash was in the passengers seat due to his bad condition.

" I think that you broke it. " He said, making me laugh.

" Yeah, I think I did too. " I said.

Nash laughed, shaking his head, looking out the window. When we got I the hospital we went straight to the emergency room. The lady at the counter looked at Nash's face in horror.
She quickly took him back, leaving me behind which didn't bother me too much. I patiently waited for Nash to come back. About two and a half hours later, Nash came back with out with bandages all over his nose and a smile on his face.

" You broke it for sure! " He said, laughing.

" I figured. " I laughed.

" Let's go home. I want to go and watch some Netflix, " He said, making me nod my head. " And I want you to tell me about that girl that you started talking to on Suicide Hotline, is it? " He asked, making me stop dead in my tracks.

" Um, yeah. I'll tell you about her when we get back to the house. " I said, opening the car door, getting it.

I started the ignition and drove off into the night, only scared for the conversation that I would soon be having.

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