Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Point of View

" So first your going to go like this, " She said, doing a dance move. " We're going to break it down step by step and do it over and over again a couple of times just so you can get the hang
of it. Sounds good? " She asked, making me nod my head.

" Sounds good. " I said.

" Feels good, " Jenna mumbled, making my eyebrows raise in confusion.

(A/N I am so sorry for the five seconds of summer reference again lol)

" Ok, so first your going to kick your right foot out, " She said, the both of us kicking our right foot out. " Now your going to move it over so that legs are cris crossed. "

I did as she said and waited for the next directions.

" Then your going to spin. As you spin your going to go down and come back up as you finished the spin. " She said, demonstrating for me.

I then tried and fell of my butt, laughing. Jenna's laugh filled my ears, the music being blocked out. I smiled and got back up, trying again. Jenna kept teaching me the dance moves and before I knew it, I was dancing to the song like her. Only difference was that she was by far way better than I was.

" Ok, let's try it full speed with the music. " She said.

" Yes! " I said excitedly.

I had adrenaline running all throughout my body as the introduction of the song began to play. I kicked my foot out and did the spin that Jenna had taught me. I ran my hand through my hair at serval times and made different facial expressions, not even realizing it. As the dance ended I smiled widely in victory. I grabbed Jenna and hugged her, spinning her around, laughing.

" That was so cool and so fun and so great. Wow! " I said, flabbergasted.

" You my friend aren't so bad. I think that I just might have to give you lessons while your here. " She smiled.

I smiled back, nodding my head yes.

" Yes, yes, yes! That would be amazing. I never knew how fun and astounding that would be. " I said.

" There's still a lot more I have to teach you, but for today, we are done. I'm tired and hungry. " She laughed.

" Let's go eat something and it's on me since you just taught me something I never knew. " I said.

" Sounds great! Just let me grab my phone and change out of this. " She said, looking down at her body.

She was wearing shorts that you could barely see and a black tank top.

" Ok, I'll be in my car. " I said.

We went out of the room and went our separate ways. I started the car and patiently waited for Jenna to come out. When she did I noticed that she was on the phone. She came into the car and buckled up, still on the phone.

" Sorry, Nash. I haven't seen
Cameron. " She said, looking over at me and smirking.

" Oh, ok thanks, babe. I'll leave you alone then. How about we go on a date tonight? " Nash said through the phone, my smile falling at his words.

I forgot that they were dating.

" Um, yeah. Sounds good to me. " Jenna said, biting her lip which had me going crazy.

" Ok, bye baby! " Nash said, Jenna hanging up without replying.

She turned to me and smiled.

" He doesn't know where you are. " She said.

" Good. He's still mad at me I bet, " I said, laughing nervously, making Jenna join in. " Now where do you want to eat? " I asked after a few seconds.

" How about Taco Bell? I heard that there is sometimes this really hot girl there that give guys that stalk her from Starbucks her number. " She winked at me, making me laugh.

" Sounds like a plan. I like to stalk Hot Taco Girls. " I smirked as I pulled out of her driveway, heading down the street with the song Say Something by Karen Harding blaring throughout the car as I had one hand on the steering wheel, the other one out the window desperately wanting to be resting on Jenna's thigh.

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