Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Point of View

" Daniel Humphrey! I can't stand you! " I yelled at the TV with rage.

" I cannot believe him! How could he say those things to his own father! Don't get me wrong, Rufus shouldn't have slept with Ivy, but that doesn't give Dan a right to trash his father on The Spectator. " Madison said back with anger, moving his hands around, and huffing and puffing like I was.

All of the sudden I heard something loud. Madison and I both looked at each other, pizza in our hands.

" Was that on the TV? " I asked.

She shook her head 'no'.

" I don't think so. Play it over again and we will find out. " She said.

I replayed the scene and it didn't make any noise besides Chuck Bass' angelical.

" I think that someone is in the house. " I said, quite frightened.

" Let's go look. You go upstairs and I'll go downstairs. " Madison said.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that I have a four story hours and that's not including the attic.

" Ok. Be careful and just shout if you hear anything or see anything. " I said.

She nodded her head, the both of us leaving the game room, and to our separate ways.

I slowly and quietly crept my way up to the third floor while Madison looked around the second floor. I walked into my room, into Jack's old room, my mom and dad's room, my closet which is another room, and then my second kitchen. There wasn't anyone or anything around to be heard or seen.

As I made my way up to the fourth floor I heard a scream and then a pang sound. I admittedly run down the stairs as fast as I possibly can I see what the hell was going on. I turned on the lights to see my best friend holding his head and a scared Madison with a frying pan clutched tightly in her hands.

" Jack? " I asked.

He grunted in response and I started to laugh.

" Wait, you know him? " Madison asked in horror.

" Yeah, he's my best friend. " I said, still laughing.

" Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. " Madison said, kneeling down to Jack.

" It's all good. I probably shouldn't have tried to sneak in this place. " He said, laughing it off.

Jack got up with the help of Madison and I.

" Are you sure that your ok? " She asked him.

" I'm fine. " He said, finally looking at her.

I could see his eyes widen in awe. His jaw slightly opened.

" Um, w-what's your name? " He stuttered, looking at her.

" It's Madison. And I'm guessing that yours is Jack? " She spoke.

" Yeah, it's is, but you can call me yours if you like. " He said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and slapped the back of his head.

" I know you like her so don't ruin it by trying to be cool. " I whispered in his ear.

He only nodded his head, his eyes not leaving Madison as she laughed.

" So, Jack. What are you even doing by breaking into my house? " I asked.

" I came to see my bestie! " He said in a girly high pitched, annoying voice.

Madison giggled at Jack.

" Ok, well thanks for the visit but you can leave now, bye! " I said and pushed him out of my house, locking the door.

" He's hot! " Madison said.

" I heard that, babe! " Jack yelled from the other side.

" Jack, go away! " I yelled.

" Fine! I love you, Jenna! " He yelled.

I waited a few minutes and then I unlocked the door, seeing that he was now gone along with his car.

" Omg! I ship you and Jack! " I squealed, jumping up and down.

Madison just blushed a deep shade of red.

" 50 shades of red going on over here! " I yelled in a loud and obnoxious voice, laughing.

She only blushed harder.

" Come on, let's go do something! " I said, dragging her to the fourth floor.

" Where are we going? " She asked me.

" To my music room. I have a recording studio and instruments and shit. Anyways, we are going to do karaoke, because it's hella fun! " I said.

She quickly nodded her head yes, is both grabbing a microphone as I set up the karaoke machine so that the words would show up on the wall.

" What song? " I asked her.

" Love yourself? " She suggested.

" Yes! " I said, getting on the Biebs.

" One day, Justin and I will get married. " She said.

" Um, yeah sure. And then right after you do I'll come in and he will divorce your ass for mine. " I said, smiling innocently.

We both bursted into laughter after a few seconds, because, shit, we know that's not going to happen.

The song then starts to play and I begin to sing the first line.

" For all the times that you rained on my parade. " I sang.

" And all the clubs you get in using my name. " Madison sang.

We both looked at each other, singing the next part. Once the song finished we both looked at each other and started to shout.

" You can sing! " I yelled.

" And you can too! " She yelled back.

We did a few more songs and then made it back to the game room where we were going to sleep.

" Ok, so tell me, how much do you like Jack? " I asked, getting all excited.

" I don't know. I just met him. He's really cute though and funny. " She said, blushing a little.

" I ship it! And I will make it my mission to get the two of you together. You will be the cutest couple ever! " I shouted.

" Maybe. " She said, dreamily, closing her eyelids.

I then yawned, Madison following my actions. We both laughed and then fell asleep not too long after that.

I was glad that I finally had found someone like her. I could tell that we would be really close friends which is something that I've been wanting for a while now.

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