Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Cameron's Point Of View

I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 11:30 p.m.

" Cameron, " She said, pausing for a yawn. " I'm going to go. I would love to continue to talk to you but I have school tomorrow and I'm really tired. "

" Whatever you wish. I'm tired and I also have school tomorrow so I should go as well. " I said.

" Goodnight, Cammy. " She said in an sweet and adorable voice that was like icing on a cake.

" Goodnight, Princess. " I said, smiling.

I decided that this time I would be the one to hang up on our conversation and that I did.

I had out my hands behind my neck, sighing. I packed up for the night and headed back to my house. When I got home, Sienna and my mother were already asleep. I went to my room, got into a par of basketball shorts and a loose t-shirt, turning off my light, and getting into bed. I put on some music as I began to think, staring up at my popcorn ceiling.

I really want to know her name. I want to meet her. I want to hold her in my arms. I want to see what she looks like. I want to be with her every single second of the day. I want to go to school with her. I want to be there for her when she was feeling blue. I want to call her beautiful all the time. I want to give her random kisses. I want to kiss her on the forehead when she felt insecure. I want to wrap her up in my arms when she needed it the most. I want to be the person she vents to. I want to be the person she comes to when she needs someone. I want to be the person who stops her from being what other people want her to be. I want her to be herself. I want her to be happy. Oh, how much I really want her to be mine.

I know it's crazy. Im talking about a girl I hardly know yet I wish to be her everything. I wish to be her lover which is quite weird. Honestly, I've never been in a relationship and I've never felt this way about a girl. It's driving me crazy.

This girl that I've only talked to about three times over her depression has made me feel this way. I'm begging to act like a fangirl over Zac Efron or Channing Tatum. What is wrong with me?

" Your falling in love. " I heard someone whisper.

I shot up from bed, hurting my neck in the process, looking around the room. That's when I spotted my mother at the doorway with a smile on her face.

" Did I say that aloud? Also, how long have you been standing there? " I asked her in confusion.

" You've been talking to yourself aloud. You might have thought that you were talking to yourself in your head but you weren't and I heard quite a lot. " She said, laughing at me as I looked at her in horror.

She closed my door and came over to me, sitting down on my bed. She began to caress my red and hot left cheek.

" Oh, Cameron. What am I going to do with you? " She asked in a whisper.

I shrugged my shoulders.

" I dunno. " I mumbled.

She took my shoulders in her hands, looking at me seriously.

" Tell me how you truly feel about her. " She said with a straight line, looking at me intensely.

" I don't know, really. It's hard to explain and it's all new to me but when I talk to her I'm happy. When she laughs through the phone it's like music to my ears. Her voice reminds me of a melody. I wish to meet her someday. I want to hold her in my arms. I want to be there for her whenever she truly needs it. I want to help her. I want to be her's. " I said, sighing, not really knowing what was going on with me and my thoughts.

My mother only smiled widely at me.
She then ruffled my hair and got up, walking to the door.

" Cameron? " She questioned, turning back to look at me.

" Yes? " I asked her.

" Her name starts with a J. " She said and then left my room.

" Wait, mom! " I whisper shouted, but the women decided to not come back to explain herself.

How does she know that? Why did she just tell me the first letter, why not the whole name? Why does she torture me?

So many other thoughts also ran throughout my mind. I just couldn't get her out of it. I grabbed my phone and went on my Twitter. I started to tweet random crap and then after about an hour or so I finally fell asleep.


Sorry for the short chapter but yeah, lol. Anyways, I think that the book is going to have like 23 chapters or more. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far. Remember to vote and comment!! I love when you guys comment even if it's completely random or weird.

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