Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Point of View

" Hi. " I said, faking confidence.

" Hey. " He said, his voice somewhat disappointing me yet turning me on at the same time.

The Cameron that I talk to has a more high pitched voice.

 It is bad that I was hoping this Cameron was my Cameron?

I looked back at Madison asking her what do say next with my facial expressions.

" Just ask him something, I don't know he's hot. " She mouthed, shrugging her shoulders.

I turned back to Cameron, putting a smile on my face.

" So, you like Tacos? " I stupidly asked him, mentally face palming.

If he's at Taco Bell then obviously he likes Tacos. Why else would be at Taco Bell?

An adorable and heart melting  laugh filled my ears, snapping me out of my thoughts, and catching me off guard.

" I love them. " He said, smiling.

" Yeah, I figured. That was really stupid of me to say. I mean, your at Taco Bell so if you don't like Tacos then you wouldn't be here, " I rambled. " Are you stalking me? " I blurted out, admittedly regretting it.

" No. " He said, stifling his laughter.

" Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry for saying that. It's just that I saw you at Starbucks and now here so its a little bit weird. Especially since you show up after I do. If you were to show you before me then that would make more sense, I don't know.  " I said, now embarrassed.

" Your cute. " He said, making me blush.

" What's you number? " I confidently asked after a few seconds.

" Let me see your phone and I'll give it to you. " He said.

I pulled out my phone and realized that it was now dead.

" It's dead. " I said with disappointment in my voice.

" Just put your number in my phone then. " He said, giving me his phone that was already on the contacts app.

I quickly typed in my number, pushing save, giving it back to Cameron.

" Here's your tacos. " The old man said to Cameron, grumpily giving them to him.

" Thanks. " Cameron said to him.

" Jen, we have to go! " Madison said in panic.

" What? Why? " I asked worriedly.

 " You have to go to your check up at the hospital. " She said.

" I completely forgot about that. " I said, my eyes widening.

" You have to be there by 5:45 and its 5:25. We need to go! " She said, grabbing our trash and throwing it away.

I looked back to Cameron and smiled sheepishly.

" It was great talking to you, but I have to go, bye! " I said, running out the door.

" Wait, I don't know your name! " He yelled, making me stop, looking back at him.

" It's in your contacts. " I said, smirking, knowing that I didn't put my actual name in there.

I put my name as Hot Taco Girl, because why not?

I unlocked my car, getting in it, and starting it. I strolled down the road, seeing the boy in the parking lot with a confused expression plastered on his cute face.

" Did you get his number? " Madison asked me.

" Nope, but he has mine. " I said, making her squeal.

" I SHIP IT! " She shouted, making me turning up the radio so that I wouldn't have to listen to her fangirl.

I sang to the song, driving to the hospital, Cameron on my mind.

What would it be like if it was my Cameron?

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