Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Point of View

" I like her. I like her a lot. " I said to my sister as we sat in my office, getting ready to go home.

" I knew it! Oh my gosh! Y'all are going to get married one day and have cute babies and shit and I'm going to spoil them when they come to visit their cool and amazing aunt. I will feed them a bunch of junk food and ugh! It's going to be great! " Sierra squealed.

" Whoa, chill, Sierra. I'm still in high school and I don't even know the girl's name. " I said.

" Well it's going to happen one day. And sorry bro, but I'm not going to tell you her name. She'll tell you when she's ready to. " My sister said, making me roll my eyes.

" Yeah, yeah. Let's go home, I'm exhausted and I have to go to hell tomorrow. " I said in annoyance.

Sierra laughed as we exited my office, leaving the building.

" See you at home, bro. " Sierra said, hoping in her car and leaving me in the dust.

I got in my jeep and made my way back home. I went straight to my room, switching into the sweatpants, and going to sleep with J on my mind.

Hours later I woke up with a pounding headache. I got out of my bed and made my way to my bathroom. I got out some advil, swallowing it without any water.

(A/N omg guys, its hard to swallow pills without a liquid. Like I tried it before and I started choking. Don't try it unless you know that you can do it lol. If you can swallow a pill without liquid then lord, you have been blessed, because that is hard af. Ok anyways, let's get back to the story. Sorry for the rant lol)

" Cameron! Are you up yet? " I heard my mom yell.

" Yes, mom. " I said as she came into the bathroom.

" Morning, sweetie. " She said, kissing me on the cheek.

" What are you doing up so early? " I asked.

" Thank you for saying good morning back to me son. " She said, rolling her eyes at me.

" Morning mom. Now, why are up at 6:00 in the morning when you could be, and usually are, sleeping. " I asked.

" I woke up with an upset stomach so I made breakfast. " She said with a shrug, my eyes widening.

" Did you perhaps make your amazing son any breakfast too? " I asked with an innocent smile.

" Yeah, you butt. Be lucky to have be as a mother and be lucky that I love you. " She said as she left the bathroom.

I leave my bathroom and quickly get dressed, bringing my phone and charger down with me. I put my charger in my book bag and put on my shoes. I walk into the kitchen smiling widely when I see what my mom made. She made some eggs, bacon, and already got out a bowl, milk, and spoon for my cereal. I made my food and scarfed it down.

I then grabbed my car keys and book bag, leaving the house. I got in my car and the song 'Beautiful Soul' by Jessie McCartney came on. I admittedly started to sing along with the throw back heart throb song. Not too long after I made it to school. I made it to homeroom, sitting in my seat just waiting for the day to end already.

Surprisingly, the day past by quickly. Soon enough I was at work and it was 11:00 at night. I was waiting for J to call me. She was becoming happier which was making me happier for me. She told me how to had met a girl named Madison and how she could just tell that they were going to be great friends.

" Hello, this is Cameron. What's going on in your life at the moment? " I asked.

" I hate myself so much. I just robbed a 7/11, because my friends, if I should even call them that, dared me too. I'm so easily peer pressed that I do anything they say. I'm always breaking the law and I hate it. I want to stop, but these people are danger and I don't know how to get myself out of this. I almost got killed the other day. I was told to meet someone and give them the money that my friends gave me. Turns out that I got drugs. I had drugs on me and when I started crying, because I had them they and I wanted to tell the cops they threatened me. They held a gun up to my head and told me that I would die if I were to tell anyone. I hate what I'm doing and what I've become. " I heard the young boy sob over the phone.

" Well how did you get yourself into this mess in the first place? " I asked him.

" A few months ago, I was at a party with them and I had too much to drink. We played a game of truth or dare and I was dared to go steal something from the gas station that was a few blocks away from the house we were at. I wasn't going to do it. I was just going to go there and buy something, saying that I stole it, but I had three people come with me to make sure that I didn't chicken out. So I stole a bag of chips and it just kept going on from there. " He said.

" I suggest that you just stay away from those people. Tell them that you'll keep their secrets safe, but you don't want in anymore. It's not going to be easy, but you have to try. Try to move schools and houses too. Confess to your parents what you've done and tell them that you need help. It's going to be scary and hard as hell, but they're your parents. They are going to want to do what's best for you so you have to trust them, okay? " I said.

" Ok,  " He said hesitantly. " I should go. Thank you so much, bro. "

" No problem, man. Be careful and hopefully everything will go well with you. Bye. " I said, the boy hanging up.

Seconds later I get another call. I pick up the phone and began to speak.

" This is Cameron here. Wha- " I started, but get cut off.

" Cameron, it's me. " J said, crying.

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