Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Point of View

I was only five minutes away from my destination. I looked at the screen, showing me that I had to take a left in 0.5 miles. I removed my shades from my face, putting them in the cup holder, the other one containing a drink from the last time I was in here. I took the left and smiled as I turned into the neighborhood. I looked at the mail boxes, looking for the familiar house with the number 518 on the side of it.

I found the house, pulling up in the driveway, seeing their car in the driveway as well. I walked up to foot, knocking of it. Loud music could be heard from outside of the house, meaning that they probably couldn't hear me knocking. I tried opening the door, the door unlocked. I walked into the house, following the music. I went up to the fourth floor, a door slightly opened. I peaked through it and saw that the floor was wooden, there were mirrors all around the room, railings on both sides, a loud and bug stereo on a shelf over to by the end of the room. I opened the door a bit more so I could see what was going on. The loud music absorbed my ears, making me soon realize what song was playing.

" She don't think that I can change so I switch from a Benz to a Range. " Chris Brown sang, the song Nothing Like Me blasting.

I soon saw a pair of legs coming into view, black shorts covering just a bit of them. I made my way up, my eyes meeting the person's back. I stared at them in awe as they moved there hips so smoothly, catching every beat, making them look like what they were doing was so easy, effortless even. She turned around and met my eyes, mine widening a bit.

" Cameron? " Jenna asked, with wide eyes.

" That's what the birth giver decided to name me. " I smiled, making Jenna laugh a little.

Gah, that laugh is so cute.

" What are you doing here? " She asked as she went over to turn down the music.

I walked into the room and took a seat in one of the corners.

" Well, Nash and I were hanging out and then we started hitting each other. I punched him where no man wants to be punched and so I made my escape while I could. I didn't think that he would search for me here, plus I like your house and you. " I said, mumbling the last two words.

Jenna laughed, smiling at me.

" So you dance? " I asked, her eyes widening again.

" No. " She quickly said.

" It didn't look like that to me. " I smirked.

" We seem to keep finding ourselves in the same situation, don't we? " She said, her dancing coming back into mind from the other day I caught her dancing.

" It seems so. " I said, standing up.

She raised an eyebrow as I walked closer to her. I finally was inches away from her when I leaned to her ear.

" You should teach me how to dance. " I whispered, chills going through her body as she shivered, making me slightly smirk.

" Ok. " She said, walking over to put the music back on.

" Slow dance or fast? " She asked.

" So basically your asking if I want to do ballet or hip-hop, " I asked, her head nodding. " I'll take something fast. "

The song Wonderful by Travis Scott featuring The Weekend started to play. Jenna was moving her hips as she walked over to me.

" Ok, watch first and then I'll teach you it, ok? " She said, making me nod my head as my eyes glued on to her body as she began to move.

Her hands moved from her sides to her body, touching herself as she moved her hips to the left and then to the right. Her face made different facial expressions as she danced. Her feet were moving on every beat. Her body was turning when it felt right. She then did a body roll, her butt coming down the the ground and coming back up. She shook her butt and then posed, turning to look at me.

" Ready to start? " She asked, her face a bit sweaty.

" Hell yes! " I smiled widely.

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