Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Point of View

" Stay by me. " I said to Cameron as I saw Nate coming into view, his friend Sammy right by his side.

The both of them were stoned, you could just tell. Nate and Sammy gave me a hug, Sammy lingering a bit too long for my liking and Cameron's too it seemed since he looked a bit curious  and jealous.

" Glad you could make it. " Nate smiled.

" I never miss one of your parties. " I laughed.

Nate and I go way back. I've known him since like birth. Our parents are friends, but in high school we kinda drifted into different groups. His with the druggies while I was with populars, now in a group of amazing friends that didn't give a damn about their social status.

" Want me to get you a drink, babe? " Sammy slurred.

" No thanks, Sam. " I said, a but uncomfortable.

" You sure? " He asked, making me bid my head. " Ok, I'll be around when you need me. " He winked, walking away with Nate trolling behind him.

I looked back at Cameron and he just looked at me.

" So, let's get our party on, yea? " I suggested, feeling the need for a drink.

" Sounds good to me. " He said.

We both walked into the living room and my ears started to hurt a bit once the music really hit my ears. I winced a little, but recovered from it. I walked over towards the rest of our group. Jack and Madison were right next to each other while Johnson was talking to a blonde.

" Hey, guys. " I said, taking a seat next to Madison, Cameron sitting on the other side of me.

" Hey, you came! " Gilinsky said, a drink in his right hand, the left one around Madison's body, holding onto her protectively.

" I could I not? Its a Nate party. " I said as if it was quite obvious.

" Want to go dance? " Madison asked me, making me nod m head.

"Yeah, let's go. " I said, leaving Cameron behind as Madison and I walked into the swaying sweaty drunk bodies that were filling up the area.

I swayed to the beat of the loud and catchy music. Nate always gets a good DJ and sometimes Nate, Sammy, and the Jack's perform a few songs just for fun. They're actually really good and I think that all of them could go far in life if they were to enter the music industry. After a few songs I got really thirsty so I went to the kitchen and got myself some water from the fridge. I feel someone tap my shoulder, making me jump and turn around to look at them. I faced with a smiling Cameron which calms me down and makes me smile back.

" Jack wanted me to asked if you wanted to play truth or dare. " He said.

" Are you going to play? " I asked, Cameron nodding his head yes. " Then ok, I'll play. " I said.

We walked down the cellar where a group of people were. they all sat in a circle, Cameron and I joining. I looked around the group and my eyes widened as I saw a drunk and pissed Nash sitting next to Macy. I quickly looked away, knowing that he was mad at me and that he was going to yell at me later.

" Let's get this started! " Nate shouted as he spun the bottle that was in the middle of the circle, some drunk people cheering as he did so.

Everyone watched the bottle spin in circles, waiting impatiently for it to stop so that we could find out who it would be the poor unfortunate soul that had to go first. We all looked at the person as the bottle had finally landed, Macy being it first.

" Macy, truth or dare? " Nate asked her.

" Dare! " She amediately shouted, giggling afterwards.

" I dare you to take off your dress. " Nate smirked.

Macy stood up and took of her dress seductively, just to tease some horny boys. I rolled my eyes at how desperate she was to get someone to look at her.

She's probably going to be a stripper when she gets older. Maybe she is one now.

She sat back down and threw her dress over to Cameron, winking at him, making me disgusted and jealous. Cameron's eyes widened as it hit his face, him quickly removing it, and throwing it back to her in disgust which made people laugh.

" Stop laughing," She yelled, people quickly quieted down as she began to speak again. " Nash, truth or dare? " She smirked, looking at him.

" Dare. " He said, his voice sounding cold as he took a sip from his drink.

" I dare you to kiss me. " She smiled.

I looked at Nash intensely, waiting for him to tell her hell no, because he has a girlfriend that is right here in the same room. The thing is that he never said that. Instead, he lessened in and started to suck on her face. Funny thing is that it didn't hurt. It just made me mad, because he doesn't have the right to cheat on me. I looked away from the two that were making out, Cameron looking at me with worry in his eyes. I shook my head in annoyance and looked back at the two people that were finally done. Nash looked me in the eyes and smirked. I wanted to walk over to him and slap it off of his dumbass face.

" Madison, truth or dare? " Nash asked, ignoring my glare.

" Truth. " The smart girl said.

" Is it true that you and Jack haven't had sex yet? " He asked, batting his eyelashes innocently.

" We haven't, because we aren't disgusting and horny unlike you. " She smiled, people yelling different things as Nash's once smirking face turned into scowl.

I looked at Madison and smiled, giving her a high five.

Straight Savage.

" Cameron, truth or dare? " Madison asked Cameron with a smile on her face.

Only thing about this smile was that it wasn't normal. It looked mischievous.

Madison, what the hell are you up to?

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