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The week leading up to the Forks High School dance buzzed with excitement. Angelina couldn't help but feel a thrill every time she thought about going with Embry. They exchanged messages, discussing what they'd wear and joking about Embry's "questionable" dance moves.

During lunch, Angelina gathered with Jessica and Angela, eager to share the news. The cafeteria buzzed with chatter as students discussed their plans for the upcoming weekend.

'Guess what, guys?' Angelina grinned, unable to contain her excitement.

Jessica and Angela exchanged curious glances. 'Spill it, Ang!' Jessica urged.

'I've got a date for the dance.' Angelina announced proudly a beautiful grin painted on her reddened face.

Angela's eyes widened. 'Really? That's amazing! Who's the lucky guy?'

Angelina blushed, the grin on her face growing wider. 'Embry. Embry Call. He's just... great.' Her eyes trailed off as she day-dreamed of said guy.

Jessica nudged Angelina playfully. 'Embry? The La Push guy?' She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.

Angelina blushed even more, her smile still present on her face as she absentmindedly played with her hands. 'Yeah, he's really lovely.' She sighed.

'So how did you ask him? Or how did he ask you?' Angela urged, her face drowning in excitement for her friend.

Angelina recounted the cliff diving adventure, the nervousness, and the unexpected invitation to the dance. Her friends squealed and clapped in excitement, thrilled for Angelina and eager to hear more.

Meanwhile, across the cafeteria, Bella sat at a table with Edward. Their conversation was hushed, and Bella found herself absorbed in his world. The lunchtime chatter of the cafeteria became a distant hum as she focused on the enigmatic Edward Cullen.

Angelina followed Jessica's gaze and saw Bella engrossed in conversation with Edward, seemingly oblivious to her friends. 'She's been acting strange lately.' Angelina mused, her thoughts momentarily drifting from her own excitement. 'She never tells me about him, or just talks about unimportant things.' The girl pouted.

Back at their table, Angela shared her plans for the weekend. 'I was thinking we could have a girls' night out before the dance,' she suggested. 'Just us, you know?'.

Jessica nodded eagerly. 'That sounds like a fantastic idea. We could gossip and make each other's nails!' She gushed.

Angelina smiled, appreciating the distraction from the thoughts about Bella's distant demeanor. 'Count me in. It'll be a great way to unwind.'

As the school day concluded, the trio of friends exited Forks High School, their laughter echoing in the crisp afternoon air. Plans for the upcoming girls' night out filled their discussions, momentarily pushing aside the mysteries surrounding Bella and Edward.

While Angelina was excited about the dance and Embry, she couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for her friend. 'I don't know what's going on with Bella.' she admitted, her brows furrowing.

Jessica chimed in, 'Yeah, she's been so distant lately. Like she's in a whole different world when Edward's around.'

Angela nodded in agreement. 'Maybe she's just caught up in the whole romance thing. You know how it is when you first start dating someone.'

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