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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───

Angelina woke up early the next morning, the sunlight filtering through her curtains. She stretched and yawned, the events of the previous day still fresh in her mind. As she got ready for the day, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease about Bella. She decided to keep herself busy to avoid overthinking but not even that could shake her feelings away.

She painted, the woods outside being the perfect scenery for her erratic mind; spring had brought out the most colorful palette to the small town. As her hand twirled around, pencil in hand as she sketched from her window, her mind was still very much preoccupied with Bella's whereabouts.

An exasperated shout left her lips as she threw the pencil as hard as she could towards the wall, the object weakly falling to the floor with a thud. Angelina turned to the window, staring outside for some minutes while trying to calm her thoughts. With a sigh, she stood up, grabbed a cookbook from her bookshelf and made her way downstairs. Her grandmother had already left for her day with the other elder ladies in Forks.

In the kitchen, the solitude felt oddly comforting. Angelina set the pink cookbook on the counter and began flipping through its pages, trying to decide what to cook. The act of cooking was a soothing distraction, a way to channel her restless energy.

She settled on making a batch of lemon bars. The bright, tangy flavors always lifted her spirits, and she thought they would be a nice treat for when Bella returned. She mixed the ingredients, savoring the citrusy aroma that filled the kitchen as she zested and juiced the lemons.

As the lemon bars baked, she couldn't help but try out something more challenging. She flipped through the pages, her eyes soaking up each treat as she decided what to bake.

She smiled in triumph as her eyes landed on the recipe for lemon tartlets, she still had some lemon juice left that she could use. While she was making the curd, preparing the dough or even whipping the meringue her thoughts would still wander to the clumsy girl.

By the end of her cooking spree, she had baked about ten different desserts, all varying in colors and taste. She sighed dejectedly, knowing her grandmother would berate her for baking this much for just two people.

Deciding she couldn't let all the treats go to waste, Angelina packed several boxes with an assortment of the desserts. She planned to deliver them to her friends and neighbors, hoping the gesture would distract her from her worries. She carefully arranged the lemon bars, tartlets, cookies, brownies, and other confections into each box, tying them with a ribbon for a final touch.

She grabbed her keys and the boxes, locking the door behind her as she stepped out. The morning air was crisp and fresh, the sun shining brightly as she made her way to her car.

Her first stop was at the Clearwater house. Leah and Seth, her little brother whom Angelina had only seen once or twice, were outside, engaged in a sibling tug-of-war over a garden hose.

'Hi, Leah! Seth!' Angelina greeted them with a smile. 'I brought some treats. I kind of went overboard with the baking.'

Leah approached, a curious look on her face. 'Thanks, Angelina. We can definitely help you out with that.' She took the box, peeking inside.

'Wow, these look amazing.' The youngest of the three, Seth, said in awe.

'Enjoy! I'll see you later.' Angelina said, waving as she headed back to her car.

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